Creating Blue Space


Creating Blue Space:  Hanns Meissner was the director of The Arc of Rensselaer County in Eastern New York State for 25 years.  It was a ‘legacy’ agency with all the traditional approaches.  But Hanns had a relentless commitment to create enough blue space to create innovative ways to support individuals with developmental disabilities to flourish in spite of system constraints. Read, reflect, and learn about “bushwhacking” through the bureaucratic wilderness so you too can create blue space for innovation and citizenship for all to blossom.

Also available as an ebook

A NEW article by Hanns:  Disrupting the Exclusive Reliance on Expert Systems to Solve the Problem of Social Exclusion.  2021

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Creating Blue Space – eBook


Hanns Meissner has emerged from years of ‘formation’ at The Arc of Rensselaer County in Eastern New York State with lessons learned from a journey of individualizing supports. His agency’s story is one of relentless commitment of creating enough blue space for innovative ways to support and partner with individuals with developmental disabilities to form and flourish in spite of system constraints. Read, reflect, and learn about “bushwhacking” through the bureaucratic wilderness so you too can create blue space for innovation and citizenship for all to blossom.

A NEW article by Hanns:  Disrupting the Exclusive Reliance on Expert Systems to Solve the Problem of Social Exclusion.  2021

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Creating Blue Space Bundle – eBook


Four great resources~ all in eBook format (pdf): Creating Blue Space and Expanding Blue Space in eBook format, the Blue Space Exercise Workbook and Shapes of Things to Come eBook, the Executive Summary for Creating Blue Space  – by Dr. Hanns Meissner

Based on decades of experience leading a large organization through complex situations, Dr. Hanns Meissner created these resourcess as a guide to the vital practice of ‘creating blue space’ for creative thought and experimentation – even when living in the belly of a legacy organization.

  • Creating Blue Space
  • Expanding Blue Space
  • Shapes of Things to Come
  • Exercises Creating Blue Space
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Creating Blue Space Bundle


Four great resources~ Two books: Creating Blue Space and Expanding Blue Space, the Blue Space Exercise Workbook and Shapes of Things to Come e-Book, an Executive Summary of Creating Blue Space  – by Dr. Hanns Meissner

Based on decades of experience leading a large organization through complex situations, Dr. Hanns Meissner created these resources as a guide to the vital practice of ‘creating blue space’ for creative thought and experimentation – even when living in the belly of a legacy organization.

  • Creating Blue Space
  • Expanding Blue Space
  • Shapes of Things to Come
  • Exercises Creating Blue Space
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Creating Blue Space – Hanns Meissner

Creating Blue Space snapshot Hanns Meissner was the director of The Arc of Rensselaer County in Eastern New York State for 25 years.  It was a ‘legacy’ agency with all the traditional approaches.  But Hanns had a relentless commitment to create enough blue space to create innovative ways to support individuals with developmental disabilities to flourish in […]

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Exercises Creating Blue Space eBook


Exercises Creating Blue Space:  This Workbook is a companion to CREATING BLUE SPACE  – and is not intended to be used unless you have purchased the book.
Creating Blue Space ebook –
Creating Blue Space (print) –…tal-disabilities/

This workbook contains fourteen exercises that guide a learning journey for practitioners and teams interested in transforming programs and services into individualized supports. Each exercise is linked to a chapter in Creating Blue Spaces, Fostering Innovative Support Practices for Persons with Developmental Disabilities. Evolving to an authentic application of individualized support requires a significant shift in mind-set, relationship and practice. This can only occur through a process of social innovation sparked by individuals and teams engaged in deep listening, learning and acting. Those who elect to contribute leadership in evolving supports are invited on a learning journey that follows the U shape depicted in the diagram at the bottom of the page, The book and the workbook exercises facilitate reflective learning for those aspiring to be instruments of change.

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Expanding Blue Space


:  Expanding Blue Space“Hanns Meissner’s Expanding Blue Space: The Learning Institute for Social Innovation is written for those of us invested in making a difference in the lives of other people, doing our part to repair the world, acting in ways small and big to fulfill our highest purpose.  The power to imagine alternatives is the key to a liberation we strive for ourselves and for others.   Dr. Beth Mount

A NEW article by Hanns:  Disrupting the Exclusive Reliance on Expert Systems to Solve the Problem of Social Exclusion.  2021

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Expanding Blue Space eBook


Expanding Blue Space      “Hanns Meissner’s Expanding Blue Space: The Learning Institute for Social Innovation is written for those of us invested in making a difference in the lives of other people, doing our part to repair the world, acting in ways small and big to fulfill our highest purpose.  The power to imagine alternatives is the key to a liberation we strive for ourselves and for others.”  Dr. Beth Mount

A NEW article by Hanns Meissner: Disrupting the Exclusive Reliance on Expert Systems to Solve the Problem of Social Exclusion.  2021

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Blue Space [PDF]

Against Pain as a Tool in Professional Work on People with Severe Disabilities John O’Brien 2013 Blue space: a social field in which we can turn our attention and creativity to improving our living answers to the moral questions whose practical answers determine how people with developmental disabilities show up in our communities. Hanns Meissner Change […]

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Hanns Meissner Ph.D.

Hanns Meissner is the former Chief Executive at the Arc of Rensselaer County in New York State, and presently is an Independent Organizational Consultant He is the author of Creating Blue Space and Expanding Blue Space. Hanns is the former Chief Executive Officer of The Arc of Rensselaer County in Troy New York, where he has […]

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Cracks and Change

by John O’Brien Metaphors shape options for action by influencing thought. Imagine a person with a disability as suffering from a disease, channel attention into the search for a cure and compliance with treatment regimes. Imagine a system as a machine, channel attention toward engineering mechanisms of command and control. Playing with metaphors can sharpen […]

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Hanns Meissner PhD

Hanns Meissner has emerged from years of ‘formation’ at The Arc of Rensselaer County in Eastern New York State with lessons learned from a journey of individualizing supports. His agency’s story is one of relentless commitment of creating enough blue space for innovative ways to support and partner with individuals with developmental disabilities to form […]

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Shapes of Things to Come – eBook


This is an Executive Summary of the book:  Creating Blue Space: Fostering Innovative Practices for People with Developmental Disabilities [(2013) Toronto: Inclusion Press

Three core themes are explored:

• The breakdown of the delegated approach to serving people with developmental disabilities and the search for good support forms through innovation in an evolving developmental disabilities field.

• Moving from client-hood and consumerism to citizenship by undertaking a quest for communities of diversity and mutuality.

For more in-depth exploration, get  Creating Blue Space

• The design and delivery of individualized supports through the development of blue spaces that encourage generative action in self, relationships and organizations.

For a more in-depth exploration – get a copy of Creating Blue Space

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Since 2007 The New York Alliance for Inclusion & Innovation (NYSACRA until 2018) has organized Learning Institutes to support organizations in generating innovations in individualized supports. Learning Institutes have taken a variety of forms but all focus on applying knowledge of organizational development and social innovation to individualize supports for inclusion. Initial concentration on supports […]

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Bob Williams Poetry + Labeling Blues

Bob Williams is a brilliant poet He was also the Commissioner on Developmental Disabilities in Washington. Currently he is the Administration for Community Living Deputy Commissioner, Administration on Disabilities and Director, Independent Living Administration in Washington. But here – Bob the poet reading his own poetry, along with his friend, David Hasbury. Bob Williams: a […]

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We have had the privilege of working with many remarkable colleagues who share life long passions to build a world that welcomes the talents and capacities of every person into participation in community life. We have created collections (libraries) of some of the key articles, videos and resources created individually and collaboratively. Most of these […]

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We have had the privilege of working with many remarkable colleagues who share life long passions to build a world that welcomes the talents and capacities of every person into participation in community life. We have created collections (libraries) of some of the key articles, videos and resources created individually and collaboratively. Most of these […]

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CHANGE MAKERS make change

We have had the privilege of working with many remarkable colleagues who share life long passions to build a world that welcomes the talents and capacities of every person into participation in community life. We have created collections (libraries) of some of the key articles, videos and resources created individually and collaboratively. Most of these […]

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Ordering Checklist

Clicking on a title will take you to the descriptive page for that item. If you wish to order multiple copies of any item you may adjust the quantity when you arrive at the shopping cart page. Books; E-books; DVD’s; Posters; Audio Tracks… This page does not update automatically – yet – so if you […]

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Planning Spaces [PDF]

A Manual for Human Service Facilities Development John O’Brien 1978 – June This manual describes a set of planning tools for use by people who are concerned with finding appropriate space for human service pro­grams and by people who want to review the effectiveness of other people’s space planning efforts. People who use the planning […]

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Toronto Summer Institute – FAQ

TORONTO SUMMER INSTITUTE July 11-16, 20 FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS 1. Where is the Toronto Summer Institute 2020 being held? At the Ryerson Campus International Living and Learning Centre (ILLC), 240 Jarvis Street, Toronto, ON M5B 2L1andThe Ramada Plaza Toronto, 300 Jarvis Street, Toronto ON M5B 2C5 We gather at the Ramada Plaza Toronto, for Saturday evening check-in and registration, beginning at […]

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Hosting the times…in ourselves and with others

June 27, 2020 John O’Brien The fast moving shocks of recognized inequalities in the effects of the pandemic and the mass mobilization in response to the murder of George Floyd create profound questions of personal and collective responsibility. The social context demands action that has tangible, structural consequences. Can all that has become visible signal […]

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Creating What I Know About Community

by Judith A. Snow DOWNLOAD this article A Summary: Judith Snow is still a gifted and visionary thinker – and so this writing about Dreaming, Giftedness is ultimately about relearning now to listen – so we can Dream the new Communities we so desperately want and need. Judith always began with a story – and […]

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Individualized Supports Learning History [PDF]

NYSACRALearning Institute on Innovation in Individualized Supports Learning History • Southern Tier June 2015 – November 2015 John O’Brien June–November 2015 3 -5 June ACHIEVEBroome OPWDDBroome DDRO OPWDD Epilepsy-Pyralid, Inc.Franziska Racker CentersHerkimer ArcSouthern Tier Independence Center Springbrook NY, Inc.The Arc Delaware CountyThe Arc OtsegoWayne Arc 3 -5 JuneChris Liuzzo: Common Life Experiences of Persons with DisabilitiesHanns Meissner: Blue Space […]

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John O’Brien Articles: Ethics

John O’Brien and Connie Lyle O’Brien have been students of people with disabilities for decades and these articles challenge us to think about the ethical implications of this work Ethics Against Pain Assist with Integrity Blue Space Ethics of Possibility Ethics of Inclusion Fundamental Practices Normalization Resolving Contradictions Numbers & Faces – Ethics of Person […]

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Cultivating Capacity eBook


Cultivating Capacity
A Fieldbook for Strengthening Person-Centered Practices – On Line Version

John O’Brien wrote this Fieldbook, adapting materials from The Presencing Institute.             Version 0.8 – Online version 2021

These books explore the purpose and the process of change that the practices in this Fieldbook serve

        Creating Blue Space:Fostering InnovativeSupport Practices for People with Developmental Disabilities.
          Pathfinders: People with Developmental Disabilities& Their Allies Building Communities that WorkBetter for


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Communitas: The Community Place

Download: Communitas: the Community Place Communitas is a prototype of possibility – a real life example of how a group of citizens could build inclusive relationships in a community – and reach out and share with the whole town. They used a post office as a hub.. COMMUNITASThe Community Place Manchester, CT 06040phone: 860-645-3177email (Bev […]

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VTSI 2021 – F.A.Q.’s

Frequently Asked Questions.. Some helpful hints…. We will begin at 10:00 AM EST – Monday, July 12 Toronto Summer Institute 2021 is VIRTUAL! In recent years, we were at Ryerson University with our global community. This year our global community will be virtual.. Traditionally, light refreshments would be served. We hope you will create your […]

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Inclusion History Videos

These videos represent a history of the ideas and thought-leaders who have helped develop and shepherd inclusive practice for the last 50 years. The categories below represent an ‘introduction’ to the struggle for inclusion – as recorded on video. Keep in mind that technology has changed dramatically, thus for the early years there is relatively […]

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Toronto Summer Institute (Virtual) Emergent AGENDA – July 12-14

Welcome to the Virtual Toronto Summer Institute (VTSI) In Preparation… • Download your TSI Journal • Download your DRAFT Participant Directory and instructions A Sample of the directory is attached – awaiting your content including a head shot to be shared • Briefing Notes on how to Work in Zoom to get to/and out of […]

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Celebrating the Ordinary – eBook


cover Celebrating the Ordinary:  A way to think about supported living that collects stories, pictures, documents, and operational policies from Options’ work and reflects on their practical meaning in terms of these ideas:

Learning from Options· The idea of emergent order
· Limits of command and control
· From packages to people
· A guiding pattern emerges
· People with developmental disabilities lead
· Autonomy and support can lead to liberation
· Creating space as a guiding image    and much more

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* * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * ** * * * * * * * * *Visit the Virtual TSI Launch page (Sept 17) – featuring John McKnight * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * […]

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How to Contribute to the Learning Marketplace

How to Contribute to the Learning Marketplace The Learning Marketplace is a process where participants (You) propose the topics you want: a presentation you want to make; a question you want to explore; a discussion you want to engage… These topics are named, posted (see the board above) and we attempt to find a time […]

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FAQ: Person-Centered Ways to Build Community with PATH and MAPS

Our Intention This course is a full-on experience for all of us. The pandemic squeezed us to attempt the course virtually. It keeps us learning and pushing our edges. This will be a hands-on, collaborative learning experience for everyone. Together, we will create a learning community – so we need full attendance and presence.  This […]

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Planning and Problem Solving Overheads

This is a collection of overheads utilized by Jack & Marsha in the late 1980’s till nearly 2000 – in various workshops and presentations focusing on Planning Processes & Problem Solving What’s Blocking? download Vehicle Design download Six Thinking Hats – DeBono download Problem Solving Menu download Prisoner’s Hoops download Positive Possible download PATH Steps […]

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Imaginative Journey Cards Deck – eBook


This is a deck of deep wisdom – 26 beautifully crafted pieces of art – quits done by Beth Mount – carefully organized to be utilized as individual ‘exercises’ or a collection of tested processes that can be used by an individual – or a group.  Each card has a brief reading – and a proposal for a reflection exercise.

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IDEAS THAT MATTER LIBRARY: September 2020 – April 2021

We initiated Virtual TSI events (Ideas that Matter) in September 2020, launched by our dear colleague, John McKnight. We had announced that the Summer Institute of July 2020 would be the final Institute. But due to the Covid 19 pandemic, we postponed that plan hoping to gather in person in July 2021. That couldn’t be either. We wanted […]

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The VIRTUAL Toronto Summer Institute (TSI) Hub

There will be several Virtual TSI events over the year – leading up to TSI 2021 (July 10-15) when we hope we can gather together – and hug. In the meantime, sign up for our newsletter so you will be first informed (and can register) as new events are announced. offerings – some of which […]

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John McKnight

John McKnight is the co-founder of ABCD – Asset Based Community Development – an institute, books, world leadership. His remarkable thought leadership has a very special connection to the Toronto Summer Institutes. John is one of the founding faculty members and Hosts of the Summer Institutes – and has been relentlessly consistent in making space […]

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  Amazon Books – just about the biggest bookstore anywhere… ASCD – Association of Supervision and Curriculum Development. Excellent learning research and resources. Syracuse Cultural Workers – fabulous resources Brookes Publishing – Great resource, and excellent book catalogue California TASH – a great network to join – and explore CEC – Council for Exceptional Children – […]

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The Ethics of Inclusion: Three Common Delusions

by John O’Brien, Marsha Forest, Jack Pearpoint, Shafik Asante & Judith Snow The Ethics of Inclusion: Three Common Delusions by John O’Brien, Marsha Forest, Jack Pearpoint, Shafik Asante & Judith Snow We want to begin a dialogue on the expectations about personal behavior that go along with a commitment to Inclusion. Unattainable expectations confuse good […]

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Explorations in Inclusion/the Learning Community McGill 1993 – eBook


At the McGill Summer Institute in July 1993, we undertook to gather and ‘publish’ some of the thinking and  memories emerging from the Institute.  The concept of ‘open space’ emerged and it included the absurd notion of publishing a document by the end of the event.  It seemed like a good idea, so we did.
Explorations in Inclusion – The Learning Community.McGill SI 1993

This book emerged from 80 lifetimes of experience – and three day’s work at the McGill Summer Institute on Integrated Education and Community. Eighty people -from many provinces and states, Mexico, the United Kingdom, Germany, Australia and New Zealand- gathered in “The Learning Community” for two weeks in July, 1993. In its second week, the community decided to explore their most immediate priorities and maximize the talents of the whole group. We called it the Learning Marketplace. Our Learning Marketplace emerged from the enormous talent and diversity of our community. The energy surge was unleashed by a simple structure built .on the work of Harrison Owen.* The concept is simple and operates quickly and efficiently to create an agenda for a diverse group. People identified issues for which they felt passion and responsibility, and negotiated for time and space to pursue them.

Each group was invited to type a brief report of their discussions to share with the whole community. This book is the result.. The book offers notes from eighty explorers of the issues in building more just, more inclusive communities.

Marsha Forest, John O’Brien, Jack Pearpoint, Judith Snow

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Judith’s Great Questions – 2021

John O’Brien A great question refuses to be answered. So it keeps leading us into deeper connections with each other and into deeper thinking. Judith’s engagement with the great questions she investigates in this collection was existential. From her earliest self-awareness untilgoing to bed late on the night she died she never knew herself apart from the need for […]

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Celebrating the Ordinary: The Emergence of Options in Community Living as a Thoughtful Organization


A way to think about supported living that collects stories, pictures, documents, and operational policies from Options’ work and reflects on their practical meaning in terms of these ideas:

Learning from Options· The idea of emergent order
· Limits of command and control
· From packages to people
· A guiding pattern emerges
· People with developmental disabilities lead
· Autonomy and support can lead to liberation
· Creating space as a guiding image    and much more

This book is also available as part of the     Community Living Pack

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Inclusion Theater

Welcome to the Inclusion Theater, a space where we share some of our favorite videos of thinkers, artists, players, and citizens from over the years. There are ‘historical’ videos (from the early annals of inclusion) – almost 200 videos organized into categories for your easy viewing. You can also watch our Live Streams here!  First, […]

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TASH Chicago 1993 – the Community Gathering – eBook


This is a record from the Community Living Gathering at the TASH Conference November, 1993 !!!!

A curious group of 150 people gathered in the Williford C room to begin the Community Living Gathering.

Soon the Gathering was opened with an energetic welcome from Marsha Forest, a brief history of how we got here by Jay Klein and Judith Snow, co-chairpersons of the Community Living Committee, and – at long last – an explanation of the unfolding process from Jack Pearpoint.  Soon the participants were milling about creatively setting their own agendas for two and a half days of intensive shared learning and teaching about inclusive community living.  This book is a shared record of the discussions and learnings that took place at our Community Living Gathering.

TASH (the Association for the Severely Handicapped) – later to be just TASH (a good thing) was a hot bed of new ideas and exchange.  It was a meeting place.  So some of us, led by Marsha Forest, Judith Snow and others created the ‘Community Living Gathering’ within TASH as a meeting/exchange forum for families and others to have a ‘home’ at TASH.  And it was the year of creating published booklets of these events…  Here is the 1993 Community Gathering book.
TASH.Chicago.Nov4-6.1993.Community Living Gathering

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Virtual TSI Video – Sept.17

Video of the Virtual TSI Zoom Call – Sept. 17 What People Said about TVSI – Our Launch on Sept. 17 – a sample… Seeing everyone. Being welcomed back in. Digging deeper. It was truly comforting in a time of deep uncertainty. I walked away with a renewed sense of purpose and peace. Thank you […]

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ction for Inclusion is a classic book — originally written for schools and families — and decades later is still full of fresh insights.  It is short and jargon free. It describes the Circle of Friends and the MAPS (Making Action Plans) processes.

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Virtual Toronto Summer Institute XXX – July 12-14, 2021

Emergent VTSI Agenda – constantly updating Frequently Asked Questions Ideas that Matter Video Collection VTSI Welcome Video How to Contribute an Event to the Learning Marketplace Your Photo/Phone/Email Directory – add information here TSI2021 Need Renewal?  Need new connections?  The Summer Institute is for people who choose to invest themselves in creating and being the […]

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Acción para la Inclusión: CÓmo Mejorar las escuelas para Recibir a los NiÑos – eBook


Traducido por Manuela Crespo y Carmen María Priante Bretón
Translated from the original “Action for Inclusion “


This book finally available in Spanish – with the original English in the second half of the book. “A down to earth blueprint of what 21st century education should be doing for all kids in regular classrooms. Modest but powerful strategies for making it happen in a jargon-free, step-by-step book.” It describes the Circle of Friends exercise, and the MAPS (Making Action Plans) process in detail. This book is being used by school systems around the globe. It is perfect for conferences and courses. It is short and filled with actual tips on how to develop an action plan (MAP) for including any child at risk of exclusion. It is not limited to any one label, but applies to children at risk at any age. Although it focuses on elementary and middle school children, the process is transferable to high school students and adults.

ISBN – pdf – 978-1-987935-12-7
ISBN – ebook – 978-1-987935-05-9

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A Diamond in the Rough: Kanienkeha:ka/Gayokohno Immersion Schools

Download: A Diamond in the Rough ABSTRACT:In the early 90’s, Marsha Forest, Te Ripowai Higgins (a Maori elder) and I were invited to join a meeting about ‘immersion schools on Six Nations Reserve. It was a battle zone. Indian Affairs had a powerful delegation armed with arguments and money – to have the community reject […]

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Darwin Ness – A Tribute to a Life Well Lived

MADISON – Darwin Ness, age 90, of Madison, passed away peacefully at his home on Jan. 22, 2021. Darwin had an amazing life journey. His lifeis an inspiration to all of us. Read on. Darwin had an amazing life journey. He was born May 31, 1930, to Joseph and Ida Ness, on a farm near […]

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Living with the Questions [PDF]

Notes from a Gathering of People Concerned with Supported Living John O’Brien March 1995 Despite much talk about individualization, most people with developmental disabilities either live with their families or live in a place that belongs to someone else: a state service system, a nursing home operator, a residential service agency, or a family care […]

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Supporting Transformation: Learning Groups

Supporting Transformation: Learning Groups The call for transformation of the way people with disabilities and their families experience publicly funded support is clear. They resonate from the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons With Disabilities to the US Community Rule to the British House of Lords Gloriously ordinary lives report. Learning to work for […]

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Political Rascals – in Georgia

The Political Rascals in Actionin Georgia Many of us have worked with Citizen Advocacy in Georgia – and Tom Kohler in particular. From that, a collection of people have become part of the Toronto Summer Institute extended family – attending workshops in Savannah and Toronto. One of their efforts was an extensive series of events […]

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Action for Inclusion


Action for Inclusion is a classic book — originally written for schools and families — and decades later is still full of fresh insights.  It is short and jargon free. It describes the Circle of Friends and the MAPS (Making Action Plans) processes.

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RE-Visiting Foundations of Person-Centered Work [PDF]

Transformation; Person-Centered Practices; Resilience; Recovery Re-visiting the Foundations of Person-Centered Work John O’Brien Nov. 2010 “Are we there yet?”If we believe that our current system can deliver on this goal with small changes & more resources, person-centered work will be straightforward & routine.If we believe we have to transform our relationships, our practices, & our […]

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Jack Pearpoint

Books, Articles & Videos Jack Pearpoint is an independent Canadian Publisher and catalyst for Inclusion, Diversity, Teamwork and CHANGE! Jointly with his wife and partner, Lynda Kahn, Jack conducts workshops and consults with organizations and collaborates with people with disabilities and their families, to engage in positive change that honours the gifts and contributions of […]

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How to Use Slack for Virtual TSI 2021

What is Slack? Why are we using it? How do I give it a try? Slack is a messaging app that connects people. Slack is a way we can communicate as a community and makes access to others part of the VTSI easier.  After you register, you will receive an email invite to our Slack. People […]

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Virtual TSI 2021 – Ideas That Matter – Round 2, January 14th, 2021


Ideas that Matter – Round 2   Thursday, January 14th, 2021, from 1:00 pm -3:00 pm EST. This is a mash-up of the creativity and energy of what TSI Alumni will know as “the Speak Easy” (based on ‘speed dating’) the “Learning Marketplace” (based on the Art of Hosting practice of Open Space, conceptualized by […]

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Carol Blessing Collection

Carol Blessing Senior Extension Associate201 Dolgen HallCornell UniversityIthaca,NY 14853Phone: (518) 265-3759Fax: (607) 255-2763Email: Carol Blessing holds a master’s degree in social work. Over 30 years of experience in the disability services field as an expert in person-centered practices and planning has earned her international recognition. She is the author and director of the landmark Citizen-Centered Leadership intensive course […]

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Ideas That Matter II Session Videos

Here are the Video recordings from the Ideas that Matter II Sessions on Jan 14.2021. There are four recordings: Full Recording: Ideas that Matter II – Jan 14. 2021 AND Three Breakout sessions included in the Ideas that Matter II The Power of Social Banking with the Intangible Currencies – De’Amon Harges Threshold 4 Change […]

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A Disgrace to the Nation John O’Brien – 2005

Download Here A Reflective Piece – on the complexity of our systematic exclusion people with disabilities. John describes it as a “A disgrace to the nation”. He outlines the challenge ahead as we struggle to replace institutions. John O’Brien & Connie Lyle O’Brien: Books, Articles, Videos “A disgrace to the nation” A Turning Point in […]

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Understand Nabamba Budhagaali – eBook


Budhagaali is the Oracle of Nabamba the Water Spirit. Budhagaali the Oracle is God’s chosen on Earth whom Nabamba the Water Spirit selects from time to time to reign for life, with the guidance of the Spirit. Budhagaali the Oracle is Nabamba the Water Spirit’s Great Teacher on Earth, to tutor God’s children in the Deep Secrets of Life and Nature; in the knowledge, philosophy and love of God, in the philosophy and skills of harmonious living-in-community; in adorant love for Mother Earth; in love for one another – all in accordance with God’s word, guidance of Nabamba the Water Spirit; and in alignment with the Laws of Nature and God’s commandments.

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Richard Ruston has gone home…

Richard Ruston – Life long advocate for the People First Movement and past President of People First of Ontario and People First of Canada. Richard passed on Feb. 22.2021 in hospital in Windsor, ON (this is a work in progress in tribute to our friend Richard) Tributes from friends follow…. Richard Ruston Life Celebration. April […]

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Thinking About Colonialism

Colonialism??? Isn’t that ancient history? My answer is – not quite. If we make a space to look under the covers, we will begin to notice that many of these injustices have deep roots in our history – and my simplistic summary is ‘colonialism’ and ‘imperialism’. For Canadians, we need look no further than ‘our […]

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Jim Hansen: School & Our Self Image + Questions

SCHOOL Someone asked a little boy, “What is Home?” He replied, “Home is a place that when you go there, they have to take you in.” School should be more like home. School is an important place of learning. It is, however, not the only or the most important place of learning. A school, at […]

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Threshold 4 Change – Beth Gallagher, Kirk Hinkleman & Joe Donofrio

Beginning on Jan.14, 2021 the Virtual Toronto Summer Institute (VTSI) Ideas that Matter 2.0 featured a presentation and a ‘breakout’ session exploring their approach to Threshold 4 Change. These sessions were offered by Beth Gallagher, Kirk Hinkleman and Joe Donofrio. On Feb 4 they continued this exploration in a two hour workshop. In times of […]

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Reconnecting Hearts and Minds [PDF]

A Paradigm day of conversation about ensuring good support with and for people with learning disabilities 2 March 2012 • St Matthew’s Conference Centre • London John O’Brien March 2012 I don’t care as much about how payments are arranged as I do about the person who comes into our life to offer support. I want a support […]

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Family Support Search Conference [PDF]

The Future of Home and Family Support Services in Alaska’s Doyon Region John O’Brien & Connie Lyle O’Brien Oct. 1982 CONTENTS What Is a Search Conference? What Can I Do to Prepare? FOCUS QUESTIONS Describing the Context Assessing Present Strategies Images of More Desirable FuturesLessons from Regional AssessmentWhat do we mean by Home and Family […]

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Walking Out; Walking On [PDF]

John O’Brien 2012, Jan. Unless we understand & create space to live beyond the limits imposed on our actions between the mismatch between the work of social inclusion and the taken for granted ways that we organize our systems, we will remain frustrated with the results of our advocacy. “Today, many things indicate that we […]

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Why We Won’t Produce a Digital Template for MAPS and PATH. No Digital Plan [PDF]

John O’Brien & Jack Pearpoint Oct. 1998 As an inventory of the power adapters in our carry-on luggage attests, we yield second place to no one when it comes to delight in the capacities offered by digital media. In- deed, some who know and love us might use the word “obsessed”. We make regular use […]

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DISSENT FROM CONSENSUS A Response to the NQF Person-Centered Planning & Practice [PDF]

DISSENT FROM CONSENSUSA Response to the NQF Person-Centered Planning & Practice 2020 Carol Blessing The National Quality Form (NQF) has been funded by the Federal Administration on Community Living (ACL) and the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) to provide a consensus based definition of person-centered planning, outline a core set of competencies for facilitators, and […]

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Day 1 | Recordings | Virtual Toronto Summer Institute | July 12, 2021

On this page, you will find the recording’s of the four sessions on Day One of the VTSI. Scroll down to watch! Welcome to the Virtual Toronto Summer Institute Our opening ceremony! Gerima Harvey drums us in, Jack Pearpoint recites our land acknowledgment, Kirk Hinkleman leads us in meditation, followed by an opening day message […]

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Day 2 | AM | Recordings | Virtual Toronto Summer Institute | July 13, 2021

DAY 2 | AM | Presentations at the Virtual Toronto Summer Institute Day 2 (AM), July 13, 2021, of the Virtual Toronto Summer Institute, featured four events. Leanne Pearman from Australia told remarkable stories of entrepreneurial employments creations. Carol Blessing & Trisan Fassel explored “blind spots” in support services. David Wetherow presented the network builder – Star […]

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Marsha Forest Centre

Marsha Forest CentreInclusion • Family • Community The Marsha Forest Centre is a registered Canadian Charity formerly know as the Centre for Integrated Education and Community. Charitable Registration Number:  896480944RR0001 It was founded in 1989 to foster the development of inclusion. The Centre’s program focus is the development of future leadership for inclusion through the […]

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Dream Catchers and Dolphins: Reaching Out in a Time of Crisis


Marsha Forest had cancer – actually several cancers – and had the courage to share her struggles with cancer with a wide range of friends.  This is a collection of the email exchanges with friends as people offered support for the journey.

It is a story that may be helpful to many facing complex medical struggles.

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Day 3 | AM | Recordings | Virtual Toronto Summer Institute | July 14, 2021

DAY 3 | AM | Presentations at the Virtual Toronto Summer Institute On day 3, (AM) we were privileged to welcome John McKnight who has been with us from the beginning. John is a story letter, so he reminded us of the power and importance of our stories. And as a tribute to Judith Snow, […]

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Inclusion! The Bigger Picture: Forest & Pearpoint

Download: Inclusion! the Bigger Picture Marsha Forest – Books, Articles and Videos Jack Pearpoint – Books, Articles and Videos Inclusion! The Bigger Picture by Marsha Forest & Jack Pearpoint Our key question as we initiate a new millennium is “How do we live with one another?” Inclusion is about learning to live WITH one another. […]

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Community Centered Leadership Community of Practice – CCLD – Learning Partner Guide [PDF]

2020 Carol Blessing Learning Partner Guide The fact that people became heroes and sheroes can be accredited to their ability to identify and empathize with the “other”. These men and women could continue to live quite comfortably with their slow temperament but they chose not to. They made the decision to be conscious of the […]

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Day 2 | PM | Recordings | Virtual Toronto Summer Institute | July 13, 2021

DAY 2 | PM | Presentations at the Virtual Toronto Summer Institute On the afternoon of July 13, we featured another marketplace of choices. Heather Simmons from Scotland led a session on The Gentle Art of Noticing, followed by Erwin Wieringa (The Netherlands), who challenged us to think – Culture and Art – Who Cares? […]

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MAPs and PATHs – A Family Perspective

MAPs and PATHsA Family Perspective by Bryn and Clark Fortune As often happens, unexpected blessings occur when we step out and try new things. As a result of a professionally motivated educational experience, our family wound up with a fresh look at ourselves in an affirming, revealing process called a MAP.Bryn is the director of […]

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Cormac Russell

Cormac is a social explorer, an author and a much sought after speaker. He is Managing Director of Nurture Development and a faculty member of the Asset-Based Community Development (ABCD) Institute, at DePaul University, Chicago. Over the last 25 years, Cormac’s work has demonstrated an enduring impact in 35 countries around the world. He has […]

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Pathfinding Outfitters Resources

Links to Open Space Technology – Harrison Owen Art of Hosting and Harvesting Conversations that Matter the World Cafe Neighbours International – our videos the Presencing Institute – U-School Inclusion Press Ideas that M Citizen Centered Leadership

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FACILITATION & PERSON CENTERED PLANNING – A THREE DAY EVENT      The course will include demonstrations of PATH and MAPS, as well as team practice.  There will be opportunities for in-depth conversations on the framework and thinking underneath the new materials.  This will strengthen facilitators in their work.  We will explore facilitation practice and […]

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Virtual TSI World Cafe – 2.0 Thursday, February 11, 2021 – REGISTRATION

A World Cafe is an extraordinary way to meet people who share your values- and engage in powerful conversations in a safe and welcoming space. If you have never joined one, try it now. If you have joined Virtual TSI before, we understand you are coming back to reconnect. Welcome * * * * * […]

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Amazon Books – just about the biggest bookstore anywhere… Cardinal Designs… Douglas Cardinal is an amazing Canadian Architect – Museum of Civilization and much more. He understands the ‘big picture’… and a book about Douglas Cardinal  and, for the home page of a village designed by Cardinal – visit Ouje-Bougoumou, Que. Comforty Media Concepts – […]

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John O’Brien Articles: Systems Change and Leadership

John O’Brien & Connie Lyle O’Brien have been life long contributors and leaders to our understanding of yow systems work – and more important – how they can be changed. Back to the John O’Brien Change Makers page

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The Talking Stick Reflection

An Exercise in Listening The Talking Stick is an ancient Aboriginal tool for healing relationships through learning to listen to others and to speak your truth. We have asked permission from Indigenous friends to use the Talking Stick to help connect people to one another and to begin dialogue through listening. They have graciously granted us […]

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Day 3 | Closing | Recordings | Virtual Toronto Summer Institute | July 14, 2021

DAY 3 | PM | Presentations at the Virtual Toronto Summer Institute On the afternoon of July 14, we featured three sessions – and then our Closing. The first presentation was on The Power of Self Advocacy – by Jonquanuas Bailey-Benjamin, Marilyn Freeman, and Sheila Jeffrey.David Hasbury and Patti Scott introduced us to The Art […]

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Lynda Kahn

Lynda Kahn is a co-director with Inclusion Press International, Toronto.  Lynda, together with her partner and husband, Jack Pearpoint, works with individuals, families, organizations and governments interested in positive change through facilitating conversations, planning sessions and offering training workshops. She is a member of the board of the Marsha Forest Center on Inclusion, Family and Community. […]

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The Liberty Plan


The Liberty Plan – Guide To Facilitation
The Liberty Plan is yet another member of the family of person centered planning techniques. It allows a Planner to begin the process of exploring a person’s gifts, accomplishments and hopes for the future. This template gives time and attention in a step by step process that focuses on a series of segments of the planner’s life – one at a time.  This book is intended to support the facilitators in the process of sharing space with a planner and creating vision with that person.
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Where do I Stand? Afterthoughts [PDF]

John O’Brien Nov. 2018 We have to do what’s right
 even if we don’t succeed. –Margaret Wheatley Hope is not the same as optimism. It is not the conviction that something will turn out well, but the certainty that something makes sense, regardless of how it turns out. –Vaclav Havel Where do I stand? Afterthoughts “Where […]

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A Way to Engage Group Listening This ancient wisdom repeated in many cultures over millennia, reminds us that to create the futures we desire – we need everyone. And to include everyone requires that we create safe spaces where every voice can be heard with respect. When we ally our wisdom, and focus our energies, […]

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Dissent from Consensus (2019) [PDF]

A Response to the NQF Person-Centered Planning & Practice Interim Report Carol Blessing, Marcie Brost, Beth Gallagher, Kirk Hinkleman, Peter Leidy, Beth Mount & John O’Brien Nov. 2019 The National Quality Form (NQF) has been funded by the Federal Administration on Community Living (ACL) and the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) to provide a consensus […]

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FAQ: Person Centered Ways to Build Community with PATH and MAPS #2

We love offering this course and find it’s a pretty full-on experience for us. The pandemic has brought us into offering this course virtually online even while we consider when we might be able to again offer the course in person. We keep learning and pushing our edges as we teach and host the course. […]

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Beth Mount: Power in the Dark

Beth Mount invites us to “see in the dark.” Systems and structures make people invisible and limit their potential. Social isolation, loneliness, heartbreak, and blame make it still harder to see and to be seen. Yet with focused attention, we can see how and why dominant systems confine people to specialized and segregated routines and […]

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Guiding People Home. Wisconsin [PDF]

The Role of Wisconsin’s Supported Housing Specialist John O’Brien and Connie Lyle O’Brien with Marcie Brost 1999 This booklet explores an approach to personal and organizational learning based on the idea that people at work hold an image of their organization and their contribution to it in mind and that this “job in the mind” […]

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Leadership for Employment [PDF]

John O’Brien April, 2007 – Trinty College, Dublin Leadership in Employment for People with Intellectual Disabilities Making progress toward real jobs for people who are likely to be excluded from genuine participation in the labor market because of intellectual disability means crossing the threshold from an approach to service that aspires to occupy people’s time […]

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Mpambo: Mulembe Mutinzi Cuusansi – Uganda

A small group of friends and colleagues are committed to assist a remarkable grass roots network of Ugandan citizens to create the future they want – and are making. We invite you to join us. Listen to the wisdom of people who have been on their land for 6000 years – and are recovering from […]

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