Here are the Video recordings from the Ideas that Matter II Sessions on Jan 14.2021.
There are four recordings:
Full Recording: Ideas that Matter II – Jan 14. 2021
Three Breakout sessions included in the Ideas that Matter II
The Power of Social Banking with the Intangible Currencies – De’Amon Harges
Threshold 4 Change – Beth Gallagher, Kirk Hinkleman, Joe Donofrio
Holding the Story – Derona King
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Social Banking: Intangible Currencies
De’Amon Harges – Jan. 26. 2:00-4:00 pm EST
The Power of Social Banking with the Intangible Currencies
This session is to explore the intangible currencies (social currency) that groups of people who I call social bankers, use in making change for justice in communities. We will identify some of these currencies, explore how to identify theses social bankers, and the way they use these intangible, social currencies.
Facilitated by: De’Amon Harges, Roving Listener, Social Banker, The Learning Tree, Indianapolis, IN
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Threshold 4 Change
Beth Gallagher, Kirk Hinkleman & Joe Donofrio
Feb. 4, 1:00 – 3:00 EST
Threshold 4 Change
In times of great disruption, we are called to find the cracks of light and place ourselves as seekers of systemic change right into these cracks, like wedges of truth and love. Born out of a desire to actualize real transformation, the hopes and intentions for Threshold 4 Change are clear: to make space for humans interested in beginning a process of deep listening, conversation and action to affect sustainable, systemic change throughout the state of California. Dropping roles and labels, while holding fast to our shared humanity, a community of allies embodying the change we want to see in our System, in our communities, and first and foremost, in ourselves.
This journey is about awareness-based collective action. Let’s be awake to the notion we all share in this journey…collectively awake to the notion we are indeed at a Threshold 4 Change.
Facilitated by: Beth Gallagher, Life Works, Inc, San Diego; CA,; Kirk Hinkleman, Life Works, San Diego, CA; Joe Donofrio, CHOICESS, Arcadia, California
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Holding the Story
Derona King
Feb. 8, 1:00 – 3:00 EST
Holding the Story
As a citizen advocacy coordinator, Derona King has had the privilege of being a witness to decades of people who have voluntarily entered into one another’s lives. What these people have created together is often more beautiful than anything they could have created apart from one another. These are stories of light and hope and love.
Some of these people have shared lives together for decades and some have left this earth, but their stories live on to teach us. They have become the Legacies that inspire our future community building efforts.
Bring your notepads and pens and be prepared for these reflections
1. What would it take for you to recognize yourself as a story vessel?
2. What stories are we carrying that need to be told that bring more love and light into the world?
3. Telling truthful stories that reflect the complexities of life while upholding the dignity of those involved.
4. How have the stories you carry impacted the way you move through life?
Facilitated by: Derona King, Coordinator Citizen Advocacy of Atlanta & DeKalb, Inc