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MAPS – formerly Making Action Plans – is a planning process for people and organizations that begins with a story – the history.

MAPS has a series of empty container questions that ask a person/organization to share some of the milestones on their journey, so the planning circle can get to know them more deeply, dream with them, and begin to build a plan to move in the direction of their dreams.

MAPS means Maps. We have abandoned acronyms. Maps is about listening to a person’s dreams, acknowledging their nightmares, then building a rich portrait of their gifts and talents to be better able to focus on simple daily actions that move them in constructive directions.

MAPS is a wonderful way to ‘get to know’ someone, in schools, in communities, in life. It is powerful and requires skilled facilitation by two facilitators – in order to make it safe for the MAP finder.

A simple guideline: do no harm. The books and videos listed here introduce the idea, and demonstrate how it can be utilized with safely and integrity to move people toward a full life.

Although MAPS originated in the ‘disability’ sector, its applications cover the full spectrum of life situations.

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Recommended DVD’s

A selection of videos on MAPS, PATH & Circles

A collection of 18 videos about Circles, MAPS and PATH. Some are current; some are historical. Enjoy. Note: the icon in the top left corner of the above video screen includes a listing of these videos.