MAPS – formerly Making Action Plans – is a planning process for people and organizations that begins with a story – the history.
MAPS has a series of empty container questions that ask a person/organization to share some of the milestones on their journey, so the planning circle can get to know them more deeply, dream with them, and begin to build a plan to move in the direction of their dreams.
MAPS means Maps. We have abandoned acronyms. Maps is about listening to a person’s dreams, acknowledging their nightmares, then building a rich portrait of their gifts and talents to be better able to focus on simple daily actions that move them in constructive directions.
MAPS is a wonderful way to ‘get to know’ someone, in schools, in communities, in life. It is powerful and requires skilled facilitation by two facilitators – in order to make it safe for the MAP finder.
A simple guideline: do no harm. The books and videos listed here introduce the idea, and demonstrate how it can be utilized with
Although MAPS originated in the ‘disability’ sector, its applications cover the full spectrum of life situations.

All My Life’s a Circle (Spanish) – eBook$0.00
One Candle Power$25.00
Facilitation for Inclusion with Path & Maps – Bundle$100.00
The Inclusion Papers: Strategies to Make Inclusion Work$20.00
Implementing Person-Centered Planning$25.00
Hints for Graphic Facilitators$25.00
Person-Centered Planning with MAPS and PATH – A Workbook for Facilitators$25.00
Conversations on Citizenship & Person-Centered Work$25.00
The PATH & MAPS Handbook: Person-Centered Ways to Build Community$35.00
All My Life’s a Circle – new & expanded$20.00
A Little Book About Person Centered Planning – 2nd Edition$20.00
Action for Inclusion$20.00
Recommended DVD’s
FACILITATION FOR INCLUSION with PATH & MAPS digital version of the DVD$85.00
THE PATH Training DVD$75.00
MY LIFE, MY CHOICE – Now Digital Viewing$75.00
THE MAPS Videos: Rediscovering MAPS – the Digital download of the DVD$75.00
ABCD IN ACTION DVD: Asset Based Community Development – now available on line!!$75.00