Marsha Forest Centre
Inclusion • Family • Community

The Marsha Forest Centre is a registered Canadian Charity formerly know as the Centre for Integrated Education and Community.
Charitable Registration Number: 896480944RR0001
It was founded in 1989 to foster the development of inclusion. The Centre’s program focus is the development of future leadership for inclusion through the creation of focused programs, materials and research that will create a world where Everyone Belongs.
The Centre was renamed in 2001, following Marsha’s untimely death.
Two poets, two lives, two styles – Yet the Same

A book of poetry by Marsha Forest & Gary Bunch
Includes the Poem: Inclusion is Not Exclusion…
This Inukshuk (Inuit direction marker) is called the “Rose Quartz Warrior.” Marsha was a warrior, loved rose quartz, and even dubbed herself the Rose Quartz Warrior.It is in the back yard, free standing, built by Jack.
Inclusion is NOT Exclusion – pdf (plain text here)
Who is Marsha Forest?
Marsha Forest was a remarkable leader, advocate and champion of inclusion for all.
The Marsha Forest Centre Board
Toronto Summer Institute
An annual “Open Space” “un-conference” that brings people of all diversities from around the world together to renew, refresh and learn with each other by living inclusion together for six days and nights.
July each year in Toronto
Circles of Support/Friends – ALL of us need to think about and connect (at least virtually) with our network of friends and support. Important right now!
Resources for Inclusion
A collection of resources including: Free Ebooks, Keystone Articles, Staff Development Resources, Inclusion Links, Literacy & School Resrouces, Indigenous Links, Dealing with Change.
Inclusive Education Resources
Books; Each Belongs Archives; Education and Inclusion History Videos, Pioneers, & Foundations of Inclusion Videos, Literacy, SCIL and Beat the Street Archives & Videos.
Marsha Forest Centre Articles & Downloads
Playfair Teams
A national project led by the MFC introduced “playfair teams” to schools from coast to coast.
Crucial Terms Project
The Crucial Terms Project was designed to clarify crucial terms used to describe education for learners with disabilities under the Special Education Model and under the Inclusive Education Model.
Knowledge Exchange
How to make the changes necessary to realize the promise of self-directed supports and build more sustainable, resilient, and inclusive communities.
Centre Projects
An overview of the ongoing work being done by the Centre.
Change Makers
A short list of our friends and colleagues whose carriers have been committed to making changes towards an inclusive societyfor all.
Planning For Real Life After School
This book is about transition from school to work. funded in part by the Government of Canada’s Social Development Partnerships Program, Human Resources and Skills Development Canada.
Inclusion News
An archive of copies of Inclusion News – our publication from 1990 to 2004 with a focus on inclusion. It was circulated internationally and widely appreciated. Much of the content is as fresh today as it was those many years ago.
Rose Quartz Award
For leadership and contribution to Inclusive Education.
Salamanca Statement
Adopted by the World Conference on Special Needs Education: Access and Quality. Salamanca, Spain, 7–10 June 1994
OECD Policy on Inclusion
Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development
In Memoriam
Tributes to some of the leaders and friends who continue to support us, even though they have moved on.