Individualized Funding Coalition for Ontario:
Its about Long Term Care for ALL of us...

A Roadmap to Long-term Care Reform in Canada – IRPP Webinar. [Institute for Research on Public Policy] EXCELLENT discussion of Long Term Care crisis with (Andre Picard (Globe & Mail); Dr. Simir Sinha (Geriatric Sinai Health Care Toronto); Tamara Daly (Professor, York Univ).; France St.Hilaire,IRPP most;
https://mailchi.mp/irpp/irpp-news-june-2021?e=db5e7340c9 (updates)

The Denmark model of care for seniors with dementia is a respectful way of caring for seniors and exactly what Canada needs. It was highlighted on CBC radio. .https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EmVlqF6NZBA

John Sewell, former mayor of Toronto, in TRNTO, addresses the for-profit LTC industry that shows that care is more industrial than personal. https://trnto.com/ontarios-for-profit-model-for-care-of-seniors-is-broken/

Dr. Jennifer Ingram “Moving beyond bricks and mortar in long-term care.” describes the GAIN model (Geriatric Assessment and Intervention Network) in Ontario. It includes an interdisciplinary approach to help seniors maintain their function and independence with the goal of keeping seniors at home. The GAIN network covers 12 percent of Ontario seniors. This program needs to be expanded to include all areas of the province.

Reimagining Age-Friendly Living: an excellent article on creative alternative design ideas that would mean better lives for all of us. https://e93n72yruom.exactdn.com/site/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/Reimagining-Age-Friendly-Living-1.pdf

Aging in Place for ALL – a collection of powerful statements by advocates who have lived experience with the system – and system failure – courtesy of Community Living Ontario
Articles by: Peter Clutterbuck, Doug Carten, Linda Till, Alan McWhorter, Judith Sandys, Audrey Cole, Maurice Voisin, and Kay Wigle.
Information on MAPS, PATH and Circles of Friends
If you are planing for a significant transition, some of these approaches may be useful.
Free to Fly – eBook$15.00
Facilitating an Everyday Life$30.00
Conversations on Citizenship & Person-Centered Work$25.00
Making Homes that Work$35.00