Erwin Wieringa — a strong catalyst for inclusion in the Netherlands and throughout Europe since 1991. A talented colleague, friend, author, playwright and cyclist.
Sir Erwin Wieringa
Knighted November 13, 2009: Royal Order of Orange-Nassau for his work on inclusive education in The Netherlands.
Royal Order of Orange-Nassau: website / Wikipedia
Congratulatory Letter on Knighthood (from Lynda Kahn)

Erwin – Author

Erwin, playwright, Loket 13
Counter 13
Stories are told in Loket 13 . Stories about people with disabilities. These stories are not lamentations about the injustice of the world, nor are they about spectacular examples of personal courage. They are recognizable, sometimes confusing, sometimes cheerful, sometimes moving and, above all, heart-warming stories from people with a disability and from their parents, their neighbors, their loved ones, their teachers, their helpers or even accidental passers-by.
Counter 13 shows these stories in an unusual and inescapable manner. It is a kaleidoscope of themes always told from a different perspective. In addition, the character entrusts the viewer with his soul troubles in a one-to-one situation. In this way every performance looks different and afterwards there is undoubtedly a need to exchange stories and experiences. Fortunately that is also possible!
Counter 13 on the one hand offers a special theater afternoon / evening that can be talked about for a long time.
(update) It is an intensive and laborious project. I would like to do it again, but then as it should be: completely and in accordance with the original design. Interested actors, organizations with a sense of quality and perfection are cordially invited to contact. Now the pilot light is on…
Blog Review:
ABCD projects : “We are here” including in communities of Keyring Nijmegen; Utrecht; and Amsterdam.
We are here
Keyring – ABCD – Nijmegen (District ring) – Utrecht (Leidsche Rijn Lanterfanters) – Amsterdam (the men of East) – Amsterdam (IJburg)
A very nice project that I am very proud of. Together with Evi vd Niet we are working on new forms for people on the fringes to live, be seen and known in the neighborhood. In short: inclusion in action. It comes completely through and with the people in the neighborhood. More (later) more! Read more about the special website via stichtingdetoekomst.nl
We Are There (finish and start)
Future Planning – Keyring – Asset Based Community Development – Quarter Making – Social Role Valorization. January 22, 2016 For 2 years we have been able to experiment, try out and above all create beautiful networks. February 2 we show what we have learned and talk about the plans afterwards! Will you come and watch and participate? Here is the Flyer_NSGK we are here
Erwin’s new website: nice alternative namely the stunning brand new website of the De Toekomst foundation , where you will find a wealth of information and contact details.
Walk the Talk – March 1 2017

I can clarify policies, initiatives, problem behavior. I am good at making complex situations clear and understandable and can help me find a good and usable method / strategy.
My presentations, lectures and one-day training courses have been commented on, evaluated and discussed over the past 20 years by, among others, the NIZW, the department of didactics of the RUG and many participants. I am praised for the clear use of language, practical examples and varied presentation techniques and, last but not least, the ability to inspire people.
It didn’t just come to me, but the result of years of experience, study and intensive cooperation with the international trend leaders of the emancipation movement around people with disabilities. A little “named dropping” helps clarify this: My trainers and sources of inspiration include John McKnight (Univ Chicago, founder of ABCD and teacher Obama (yes)), John O’Brien (Syracuse Univ, founder of the inclusion concept, quality criteria in care, etc ), Beth Mount (NYC, creator of personal futures planning), Lynda Kahn, Jack Pearpoint , Barb Brent, Brian Lensink (expertise in the field of supported employment, organizational science and government policy) and David Pitonyak(# 1 expert in serious problem behavior). I regularly work with all of them and share management positions, including that of the TSI, the think tank of leaders of the Inclusion Movement.
No, I cannot be aware of all recent rule and law changes. My more than 10 years of experience as a policy officer for health care innovation does help to separate sense and nonsense and to think about practical implementation and elaboration.
An often mentioned reason to involve me in projects or to ask as a ‘thinker’ is the difficult to grasp property of ‘creativity.’ Of course I can never promise that, but if something interests me, I often get inspiration and sometimes an unusual meaningful outcome.
Read Lynda Kahn’s (inclusion international) description of my work.
And also have a look at the site of De Toekomst , where you will find everything about my work on Person Centered Planning