Conscious Care and Support – For Individuals with Autism & Other Developmental Disabilities: Balancing Body, Brain & Being


Peter and Gareth Marks having been supporting individuals and families with complex disabilities for decades.  With a deep brain research foundation, they teach simple and profound approaches that can reduce violence and rebalance communications for many.  An important contribution to the field.


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Peter Marks

Peter Marks, Founder and director of A Centre for Conscious Care Class trainer for more than 2000 graduates of CCS; University of Toronto, School of Social Work Con.Ed. Faculty member; Over 35 years of Human & Health Services’ organization & leadership development to facilitate effective, conscious and compassionate care and support; Co-founder and former chair […]

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An Article from IFCO – the Individualized Funding Coalition for Ontario

Why Ontario doesn’t need ‘more’ institutionalized supports for seniors and others living with disabilities Note: IFCO is an amazing resource with cutting edge current comments – and deep history. Use it. For decades the Individualized Funding Coalition for Ontario (IFCO) along with many other provincial organizations, service agencies, people and families have supported the closure […]

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Short Term Thinking – about Long TermCare

Aging in Place – Home Care First No seniors I know (me included) aspire to be ‘managed’ in a long-term care facility – which we tragically know can be dangerous, lonely and deadly. Rather the vast majority of us want to live out our days in our homes – with support as needed. This can […]

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Creating What I Know About Community

by Judith A. Snow DOWNLOAD this article A Summary: Judith Snow is still a gifted and visionary thinker – and so this writing about Dreaming, Giftedness is ultimately about relearning now to listen – so we can Dream the new Communities we so desperately want and need. Judith always began with a story – and […]

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Ordering Checklist

Clicking on a title will take you to the descriptive page for that item. If you wish to order multiple copies of any item you may adjust the quantity when you arrive at the shopping cart page. Books; E-books; DVD’s; Posters; Audio Tracks… This page does not update automatically – yet – so if you […]

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An Ethics of Possibility – John O’Brien

Download: An Ethics of Possibility Direct Support Workers and an Ethic of Possibility make good lives for all possible. This article explores that possibility. Direct support workers who are guided by an ethics of possibility build a relationship worthy of the trust of the people they assist and the people who love or have loved […]

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Caroline Fei-Yeng Kwok

With years of both positive and negative care experiences in the mental health system, author Caroline Fei-Yeng Kwok writes honestly and provocatively about what recovery-oriented care truly looks like. Often touted as a living example of recovery, Caroline Fei-Yeng Kwok has come a long way in the more than three decades since she was diagnosed […]

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A Disgrace to the Nation John O’Brien – 2005

Download Here A Reflective Piece – on the complexity of our systematic exclusion people with disabilities. John describes it as a “A disgrace to the nation”. He outlines the challenge ahead as we struggle to replace institutions. John O’Brien & Connie Lyle O’Brien: Books, Articles, Videos “A disgrace to the nation” A Turning Point in […]

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Personal Assistance: What It Is and What It Is Not – Judith Snow

DOWNLOAD – Personal Assistance: What it is and What it is Not by Judith Snow, MA Abstract: In her typical forthright way, Judith peels back the layers of misunderstanding about the nature of Personal Assistance – and reminds us of the very simple truth – is a form of support for people who are labeled […]

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Vive la Difference

The streets are exploding. People are getting hurt. There is poverty, racism, violence. Single parents, kids, gangs, drugs, booze — families — all are part of the explosion of life on the street — life in urban war zones.

Modern medicine — like most other institutions — is ill equipped to deal with this new reality. But it is here. There is no choice. Next week it will be more intense. Crack babies and multiple addictions will haunt all our corridors.

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Person-Centered Planning and Case Management [PDF]

The Contribution of Person-centered Planning to Care Management John O’Brien Feb. 1999 Discussions arranged by the King’s College Community Care Development Centre (CCDC) with groups interested in person-centered planning in Suffolk, Oxfordshire, and Somerset An increasing number of people look to person-centered planning as interest in improving the practice of care management grows. Some wonder […]

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The Ethics of Inclusion: Three Common Delusions

by John O’Brien, Marsha Forest, Jack Pearpoint, Shafik Asante & Judith Snow The Ethics of Inclusion: Three Common Delusions by John O’Brien, Marsha Forest, Jack Pearpoint, Shafik Asante & Judith Snow We want to begin a dialogue on the expectations about personal behavior that go along with a commitment to Inclusion. Unattainable expectations confuse good […]

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When People Care Enough to Act: ABCD


When People Care Enough to Act:  ABCD (Asset Based Community Development)

Mike Green and Henry Moore worked with John McKnight for years.  They were deeply committed to ABCD – Asset Based Community Development.  The question they encountered most often was  “What do I do Monday morning?”  This book  is their answer.  It is a great collaborative effort.

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Jim Hansen: School & Our Self Image + Questions

SCHOOL Someone asked a little boy, “What is Home?” He replied, “Home is a place that when you go there, they have to take you in.” School should be more like home. School is an important place of learning. It is, however, not the only or the most important place of learning. A school, at […]

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Kick Em Out or Keep Em In: Exclusion or Inclusion – Forest & Pearpoint

Download – Kick Em Out Or Keep Em In – here by Jack Pearpoint & Marsha Forest Synopsis: Students who display severe behaviour difficulties, like all children, can and should be included in the mainstream of our schools and communities. The key to making it possible is relationships. It should be no great mystery that […]

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Long Term Care Resources Thinking about Employment

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AGING IN PLACE – Positive Possibilities

Individualized Funding Coalition for Ontario: Its about Long Term Care for ALL of us… A Roadmap to Long-term Care Reform in Canada – IRPP Webinar. [Institute for Research on Public Policy] EXCELLENT discussion of Long Term Care crisis with (Andre Picard (Globe & Mail); Dr. Simir Sinha (Geriatric Sinai Health Care Toronto); Tamara Daly (Professor, […]

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Short Term Thinking About Long Term Care – Challenges to Current Practice Essays on Aging In Place – free ebook Aging in Place – POSITIVE Possibilities – Collected Resources Why Ontario doesn’t need ‘more’ institutionalized supports for seniors and others living with disabilities Seniors for Social Action (Ontario) If you are worried about your future […]

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Festival of Debate – Long Term Care

In Sheffield, England, a committed group of colleagues are exploring deep policy issues about the future. An ‘dabate’ focus on a session early in May (2021) was on ‘disability’ – and links the various presentations are attached. Community Session on Disability One June 1, the focus was on long term care, (see video on previous […]

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When People Care Enough to Act – ABCD eBook


When People Care Enough to Act:  ABCD:  these materials support a practical approach to creating community collaborations that work

Asset Based Community Development


abcd book excerpt

abcd book.index plus McKnight foreword

Developed in response to the question “I love ABCD (Asset Based Community Development); “What do I do Monday Morning?”–and based on Mike Green & Henry Moore’s highly regarded work as ABCD organizers, consultants and trainers–-these materials support a practical approach to creating community collaborations that work. Enriching each other, the book and the DVD provide clear exposition of ABCD organizing principles and best practices, examples of ABCD organizing in action, learning exercises, worksheets, and reflections from experienced practitioners of ABCD organizing.

Main topics include: ABCD Principles & Practice • Discovering What People Care About • Mobilizing A Community’s Assets • People & Programs: We Need Both • Leading By Stepping Back: The Role Of Governments & Agencies • Inclusion: There Is No One We Do Not Need • John McKnight’s Reflections On ABCD organizing. Lessons from Ashville NC; Marquette, MI; Laconia, NH; Savannah, GA; Ames, IO.

Forward by John McKnight

Also available as:    Printed Copy

DVD and book pack

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Thinking about Coronavirus: Let’s Take Care of Each Other – Wash your Hands and…

We are in new and relatively uncharted territory where ‘taking care of each other’ is the most powerful strategy to limit the impact of this viral pandemic. Many of us are privileged and thus even if we become ill, our capacity to rest and recover is excellent. Our concern is that those at greatest risk […]

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Gerv Leyden

Gerv Leyden was a brilliant educational psychologist (and soccer player) who against all odds became a university professor. His commitment to inclusion and to ‘trouble youth’ was as powerful as his relentless lobbying to change education policies in England to support inclusion. Videos and Writing of Gerv Leyden Gerv Leyden – a selection of published […]

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Essays on Aging in Place – eBook


A brilliant collection of short articles by leading advocates for ‘aging in place’ – as opposed to ‘institutional gulags’ – the term used by Catherine Frazee in her introduction!

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Dane Valedictory 1.0 [PDF]

John O’Brien 2018 The Passing of Dane County Supports for People With Developmental Disabilities Into Managed Care Accounts of organizational change are more often written from the perspective of those initiating change than from the point of view of those who are the objects being changed by those with greater power. This paper reflects the perceptions […]

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Communitas: The Community Place

Download: Communitas: the Community Place Communitas is a prototype of possibility – a real life example of how a group of citizens could build inclusive relationships in a community – and reach out and share with the whole town. They used a post office as a hub.. COMMUNITASThe Community Place Manchester, CT 06040phone: 860-645-3177email (Bev […]

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Invitation to Dissent: Being Person-Centered in a Pandemic-Closing the Integrity Gap [PDF]

2020 Carol Blessing As we enter the second quarter of 2020 we find ourselves in extended quarantine because of the coronavirus 2019 or COVID-19. At the moment, there is no end in sight. This virus does not discriminate. Everyone is vulnerable to the risk of illness and even death. As a result, we all must […]

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Ethics of Inclusion [PDF]

John O’Brien & Marsha Forest 1991 We want to begin a dialogue on the expectations about personal behavior that go along with a commitment to inclusion. Unattainable expectations confuse good people and fragment efforts for change into factions organized around hurt feelings. We who care about inclusion can reduce this drain on the energy necessary […]

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Common Sense Tools: MAPS and CIRCLES for Inclusive Education

Dunner ar Dybwad; Herb Lovett; Rosemary Dybwad; Jack Pearpoint; Marsha Forest – a Circle of Friends This article went viral in the early 90’s because families were starving for new options for their children, teachers could feel possibility but were trapped… So simple down to earth stories of using the concepts and models of Circles […]

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Common Sense Tools: MAPS and CIRCLES for Inclusive Education

DOWNLOADCommon Sense Tools Marsha ForestBooks, Articles and Videos Jack PearpointBooks, Articles and Videos This article went viral in the early 90s because families were starving for new options for their children, teachers could feel possibility but were trapped… So simple, down-to-earth stories of using the concepts and models of Circles and MAPS were ‘revolutionary’ to […]

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Basic Tasks for Service Providers [PDF]

John O’Brien 2010 Service providers who want to make a positive difference in the lives of the people they assist will commit themselves to continual improvement in their capacity to perform five basic tasks. These tasks are basic because each may be needed to assist a person to avoid slipping into social exclusion, to make the journey […]

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Community Centered Leadership Community of Practice – CCLD – Learning Partner Guide [PDF]

2020 Carol Blessing Learning Partner Guide The fact that people became heroes and sheroes can be accredited to their ability to identify and empathize with the “other”. These men and women could continue to live quite comfortably with their slow temperament but they chose not to. They made the decision to be conscious of the […]

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Discovering Community [PDF]

Discovering Community LivingLearning from Innovations in Services to People with Mental Retardation John O’Brien 1987 The past twenty years have seen many changes in the location, focus and sponsorship of services to people with mental retardation. Large and increasing government expenditures have resulted in substantial growth in the number and variety of available services and […]

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John Daniel O’Leary – Writing & Videos

Two Words you never want to hear – download Creating a Love of Reading – the book Frontier College at the U of T St. George Campus creating a love of reading The City is the Classroom John O’Leary on Popular, Informal Education – May 19, 2011 – video – 25 minutes – at York University […]

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Supporting Diversity

SUPPORTING DIVERSITY One of the most valuable gifts is the rich diversity in each of our communities. However, diversity does not just materialize. We need to reach out and welcome diversity consciously. When we do, we are all richer. When we don’t, our live experiences are narrower and unnecessarily constrained. These books and videos are […]

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Generative principles: One Person at a Time [PDF]

Reflections on the Final Session Changing the World, One Person At a Time John O’Brien 2008 There are two ways to think about the positive examples we have been offered. We can focus on the differences between the setting that produced the example and our setting. This way of thinking lets us identify ways that we will […]

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Basic Tasks for Providers [PDF]

Basic Tasks for Service Providers John O’Brien 2010 Service providers who want to make a positive difference in the lives of the people they assist will commit themselves to continual improvement in their capacity to perform five basic tasks. These tasks are basic because each may be needed to assist a person to avoid slipping into social […]

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E’s Iceberg [PDF]

Supporting a Journey From Chaos to Contribution John O’Brien Sept. 2016 This documents the organization of assistance for a person with a developmental disability, known here as E. It was constructed in September 2016 by John O’Brien based on a group interview with some of the people most involved in supporting E’s journey from chaos […]

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Judith’s Great Questions – 2021

John O’Brien A great question refuses to be answered. So it keeps leading us into deeper connections with each other and into deeper thinking. Judith’s engagement with the great questions she investigates in this collection was existential. From her earliest self-awareness untilgoing to bed late on the night she died she never knew herself apart from the need for […]

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Waddie Welcome


This is the extraordinary story of Waddie Welcome, a man born with cerebral palsy on the 4th of July, 1914. For more than 70 years he lived in Savannah, Georgia surrounded by the love and care of his family and friends. No respite care. No institutions. No day-care programs. After his primary caretaker died, he was placed in a nursing home against his wishes. He spent over ten years advocating to get out. This is a story of how a community came together to enable Waddie to move back to the community. Award-winning filmmaker Narcel G. Reedus captures the heartbreak, pain and triumph of a man who refused to be denied.

After living in a nursing home for over ten years, community members worked together to help Waddie Welcome to return home. This is the story of how personal relationships can spark and sustain justice in our society. It challenges us to redesign the responsiveness of service systems.

© The University of Georgia

Institute on Human Development and Disability
University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities
College of Family and Consumer Sciences

Open / Closed Captioned Audio Descriptors
Run Time: 26 Minutes
(Video production – 1997; DVD production 2011)

A companion film to the book:
Waddie Welcome and the Beloved Community

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Waddie Welcome: DVD and Book Bundle


Waddie Welcome: A Man Who Could Not be Denied – DVD

This is the extraordinary story of Waddie Welcome, a man born with cerebral palsy on the 4th of July, 1914. For more than 70 years he lived in Savannah, Georgia surrounded by the love and care of his family and friends. No respite care. No institutions. No day-care programs. After his primary caretaker died, he was placed in a nursing home against his wishes. He spent over ten years advocating to get out. This is a story of how a community came together to enable Waddie to move back to the community. Award-winning filmmaker Narcel G. Reedus captures the heartbreak, pain and triumph of a man who refused to be denied.

After living in a nursing home for over ten years, community members worked together to help Waddie Welcome to return home. This is the story of how personal relationships can spark and sustain justice in our society. It challenges us to redesign the responsiveness of service systems.

© The University of Georgia
Institute on Human Development and Disability

Open / Closed Captioned Audio Descriptors
Run Time: 26 Minutes    (Video production – 1997; DVD production 2011)

Waddie Welcome and the Beloved Community

Book by Tom Kohler & Susan Earle

Our purpose is to tell a story. A story about a man named Waddie Welcome.


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Judith Snow

Judith SnowOct. 29, 1949 – May 31, 2015 Our dear friend and faculty member Judith Snow passed away on the evening of May 31, 2015. Below is a letter from John McKnight to our faculty about Judith. Dear Circle of Friends; Jack Pearpoint of Inclusion Press made a moving slide show of Judith’s life. It […]

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Inclusion Links

Literacy and School Resources Indigenous web links Publishers, Catalogues and Distributors Designing Solutions

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Promoting Self Direction [PDF]

Promoting Self Directed Support Reflections on in Control John O’Brien & David Towell 2008 We write as critical friends, invited by in Control’s leadership to facili- tate reflection on the learning emerging from their work and to contrib- ute some of our observations to this report. In Control’s commitment to discovering effective ways to support people eligible for social […]

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Mike Green

Mike Green offers ABCD training and consultation to organizations to engage their local communities as partners for collective action. He teaches and consults throughout North America and in New Zealand and Australia. Mike’s focus is the practical implementation of ABCD principles. He was the training director of the ABCD Institute’s Neighborhood Circle for four years. […]

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Creating the Future We Want… We Need Circles of Support

Times of crisis – of global disruption – are also times for new ideas to blossom and take root.  While acknowledging the devastation of the pandemic, it also lays bare some of the catastrophic and systemic disregard for citizens with disabilities and others who have been marginalized in our society.  Within this painful visibility, there […]

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In Control Reflections [PDF]

Reflections on in Control John O’Brien & David Towell Aug. 2007 In Control as social acupuncture What has worked for people What is right What is likely to transform social care Learning from historyMultiple strategies What form of organization will facilitate deep change? A distinctive structureWeaving into other’s websStrong metaphors for organizing We write as critical […]

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Promoting Self Direction [PDF]

Promoting Self Directed Support Reflections on in Control John O’Brien & David Towell 2008 We write as critical friends, invited by in Control’s leadership to facili- tate reflection on the learning emerging from their work and to contrib- ute some of our observations to this report. In Control’s commitment to discovering effective ways to support people eligible for social […]

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The Abundant Community


John McKnight and Peter Block are friends and collaborators.  They are both compelled to discover and share their deep understandings of how to build genuine communities.  Brilliant analysis with action possibilities for all of us to restore our neighbourhoods.


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Bryce Thomas – a Pioneer

Another young friend and a great teacher — who knew how to live every day to the full. Daryl and Janet Thomas Those of us who have had the privilege of knowing and learning with and from Bryce these last years realize that this young man was extraordinarily gifted — in many ways. His smile […]

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In Control Reflections [PDF]

Reflections on in Control John O’Brien & David Towell Aug. 2007 In Control as social acupuncture What has worked for people What is right What is likely to transform social care Learning from historyMultiple strategies What form of organization will facilitate deep change? A distinctive structureWeaving into other’s websStrong metaphors for organizing We write as critical […]

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Richard Ruston has gone home…

Richard Ruston – Life long advocate for the People First Movement and past President of People First of Ontario and People First of Canada. Richard passed on Feb. 22.2021 in hospital in Windsor, ON (this is a work in progress in tribute to our friend Richard) Tributes from friends follow…. Richard Ruston Life Celebration. April […]

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MAPS: Action Planning Forest & Pearpoint

Download: MAPS: Action Planning ABSTRACT:This sort article appeared in our book “Inclusion Papers” outlining the steps of a MAP as we understood them at that time (2001). We have evolved based our experience – and although this makes good reading (historically), we would recommend using the more current version of MAPS in the book…The PATH […]

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Building Inclusive Community Videos – with Tim Corey

Building Inclusive Communities by Timothy Corey and friends The 12 videos that follow are inspired by the Guiding Values developed by the Washington State Developmental Disabilities Administration in 1988 and updated in 2016. It is our hope that each viewer will gain a better understanding of how these guiding values are practiced in Coast Salish […]

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OECD on Inclusion

OECD on INCLUSION CENTRE FOR EDUCATIONAL RESEARCHAND INNOVATION GOVERNING BOARD SUSTAINING INCLUSIVE EDUCATION: INCLUDING STUDENTS WITH SPECIAL EDUCATIONAL NEEDS IN MAINSTREAM SCHOOLS:  Lessons from the Case Studies 75501 We have provided selected passages of the text of this remarkable 1999  report for your reading. Full text is available from OECD. OECD Organisation de Cooperation et de Developpement Economiques […]

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Joshua Committee – An Advocacy Model

Judith Snow & Marsha Forest 1993 This article is in two parts and written from the perspective of twos women – one is in a wheelchair, one stands erect; one has to have full attendant care for all her physical needs, one can care for herself. Both are dependent on others for spiritual, intellectual and […]

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Social Innovation – The Dane Difference [PDF]

Reflections on The Innovation Celebration John O’Brien Sept. 2015 These are commonplace pictures: people at work, people in a community garden, people making art, people volunteering for something they care about, people at home. The Dane County difference is that collectively citizens of Dane County have much better chances than average Americans with developmental disabilities of […]

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Until We Meet Again: The Life of Jennie Raffield Williams

Gillian Grable’s book about Jennie Raffield Williams is both troubling and moving. Troubling because it exposes the decades-long failure of the state, the public, and mental health professionals to provide appropriate care to Jennie and other patients with mental and intellectual disabilities. Moving because Jennie Williams’s resolve to be reunited with the family she loved, the steadfast support she received from her children, and the care she received from some individuals at the hospital allow her story to rise above its sadness. Gillian Grable’s book calls for all of us to do better by the most vulnerable in society. From Jim Martin, former Commissioner of Human Resources for the State of Georgia

To purchase a copy of the book:  (book will be ordered and shipped from the Univ. of Georgia

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Carol Blessing

Carol Blessing, MSW is a Senior Extension Associate with the K. Lisa Yang and Hock E. Tan Institute on Employment and Disability. Since joining the faculty in 2000, Carol has been responsible for leading system’s impact projects aimed at supporting the full inclusion of people with disabilities in typical community life. Throughout her career she […]

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Finding Meaning in the Work


John O’Brien and Beth Mount have spent their lives learning from people with developmental disabilities – and crafting that learning into learning materials to help us facilitate full inclusion of all into community life.

This kit is designed for organizations to be able to support staff on learning journeys.

Ten Exercises to Encourage Reflection on Direct Support

The set includes . . .a CD-Rom
• A guide for facilitators
• Powerpoint files for each exercise
• Printable handouts
• Printable resources

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We have had the privilege of working with many remarkable colleagues who share life long passions to build a world that welcomes the talents and capacities of every person into participation in community life. We have created collections (libraries) of some of the key articles, videos and resources created individually and collaboratively. Most of these […]

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Beth Mount

Beth Mount has worked for four decades toward the ideal that every person with a disability can be a valued member of community life. She has practiced the art of person-centered planning with thousands of people with disabilities and their families from every walk of life and from every corner of the World. Her groundbreaking […]

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Thinking About Colonialism

Colonialism??? Isn’t that ancient history? My answer is – not quite. If we make a space to look under the covers, we will begin to notice that many of these injustices have deep roots in our history – and my simplistic summary is ‘colonialism’ and ‘imperialism’. For Canadians, we need look no further than ‘our […]

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To Boldly Go. Georgia Individualized Supports [PDF]

Individualized Supports for Georgians With Severe Disabilities Prepared for The Georgia Governor’s Council on Developmental Disabilities Connie Lyle O’Brien July 1992 SummaryThis study examines Georgia’s long term support services from the point of view of the achievements and aspirations of eleven people with severe disabilities and their families and friends. Their situation underlines the need […]

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Reconnecting Hearts and Minds [PDF]

A Paradigm day of conversation about ensuring good support with and for people with learning disabilities 2 March 2012 • St Matthew’s Conference Centre • London John O’Brien March 2012 I don’t care as much about how payments are arranged as I do about the person who comes into our life to offer support. I want a support […]

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Judith Snow

JUDITH SNOW October 29, 1949 – May 31, 2015 The colours of Judith Snow were vibrant, flagrant, unabashedly in the forefront of the forefront: a social inventor, a trailblazer, a relentless advocate for inclusion. She championed communities that welcome diversity, including all persons with disabilities, especially people who do not speak in voice, as full […]

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U-CAN Colour Dictionary


U-CAN Colour Dictionary is a unique and remarkable response to the simmering literacy crisis that undermines the inherent gifts and capacities of millions of citizens. In addition to being a ‘handbook’ for non-readers and new readers, it explores voice recognition and ‘colour coding’ to uncover the power of words and our own writing.  It is a significant contribution to literacy learning and learners everywhere.

Also available as an ebook:


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IF You’re Happy and You Know It Clap Your Hand


IF You’re Happy and You Know It Clap Your Hand:  The Poetry of David Moreau 

David Moreau is poet; a long term front line care worker; a remarkable human being. His poems explore the delight, humor, bureaucratic absurdity, and human frailty that humans face as we struggle to care for one another with dignity and sensitivity. These poems are truly about ‘human’ service, from the inside out. Provoking thoughts; deep insights; truth.


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Facilitator’s Guide:  A Framework for Planning© Facilitator’s GuideVersion 1, July 2006 Carol Blessing LMSW & Connie Ferrell LCSW ERSON-CENTERED PRACTICE and PERSON-CENTERED PLANNING ‘Person-centered planning’ has become an increasingly familiar term in the field of human services. Providers of services are always looking for better ways for helping the people to whom they are being […]

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Janice Fialka

Janice Fialka is a brilliant writer. Micah Fialka-Feldman is her son. He is a teaching assistant at Syracuse University and one of the most charming people you will ever encounter. This remarkable story, draws on the reflections from family and friends – and walks us through the journey to this remarkable current reality. But the […]

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We have had the privilege of working with many remarkable colleagues who share life long passions to build a world that welcomes the talents and capacities of every person into participation in community life. We have created collections (libraries) of some of the key articles, videos and resources created individually and collaboratively. Most of these […]

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Building Friendships at Work – eBook

Building Friendships at Work covers  several key topics:

  • Why Friends at Work Are Important
  • Tools For Crafting Friendships in the Workplace
  • Job/Career Planning and Relationships
  • Person-Centered Career Planning
  • Job Development and Relationships
  • Supporting Relationships in the Early Stages of Employment

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CHANGE MAKERS make change

We have had the privilege of working with many remarkable colleagues who share life long passions to build a world that welcomes the talents and capacities of every person into participation in community life. We have created collections (libraries) of some of the key articles, videos and resources created individually and collaboratively. Most of these […]

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Day 2 | AM | Recordings | Virtual Toronto Summer Institute | July 13, 2021

DAY 2 | AM | Presentations at the Virtual Toronto Summer Institute Day 2 (AM), July 13, 2021, of the Virtual Toronto Summer Institute, featured four events. Leanne Pearman from Australia told remarkable stories of entrepreneurial employments creations. Carol Blessing & Trisan Fassel explored “blind spots” in support services. David Wetherow presented the network builder – Star […]

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John McKnight

John McKnight is emeritus professor of education and social policy and codirector of the Asset-Based Community Development Institute at DePaul University. He is the coauthor of Building Communities from the Inside Out and the author of The Careless Society. He has been a community organizer and serves on the boards of several national organizations that […]

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Erwin Wieringa

Erwin Wieringa — a strong catalyst for inclusion in the Netherlands and throughout Europe since 1991. A talented colleague, friend, author, playwright and cyclist. Sir Erwin Wieringa Knighted November 13, 2009: Royal Order of Orange-Nassau for his work on inclusive education in The Netherlands. Royal Order of Orange-Nassau: website / Wikipedia Congratulatory Letter on Knighthood (from Lynda […]

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Reflections on Camphill & l’Arche [PDF]

Focus on Vermont’s Self-Determination Project John O’Brien Sept. 2015..British Members of Parliament Briefing Assisting people to live with dignity and meaning is the ultimate purpose of social care. To serve this purpose, the experiences of Camphill and l’Arche can make important contributions to a critical question for policy and practice: how to assist and safeguard […]

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You’re Happy and You Know It Clap Your Hand eBook


The Poetry of David Moreau 

David Moreau is poet; a long term front line care worker; a remarkable human being. His poems explore the delight, humor, bureaucratic absurdity, and human frailty that humans face as we struggle to care for one another with dignity and sensitivity. These poems are truly about ‘human’ service, from the inside out. Provoking thoughts; deep insights; truth.


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Self Directed Support Reframes Partnership [PDF]

Self-Directed Support: Re-Framing Inter-agency Partnership Working John O’Brien & Simon Duffy 2007 While interagency partnership is often explored from the perspective of the health and social care system, we approach this issue from the perspective of the citizen. In particular, we focus on those citizens who have significant impairments and need significant levels of sup- […]

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Inclusion! The Bigger Picture: Forest & Pearpoint

Download: Inclusion! the Bigger Picture Marsha Forest – Books, Articles and Videos Jack Pearpoint – Books, Articles and Videos Inclusion! The Bigger Picture by Marsha Forest & Jack Pearpoint Our key question as we initiate a new millennium is “How do we live with one another?” Inclusion is about learning to live WITH one another. […]

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Day 2 | PM | Recordings | Virtual Toronto Summer Institute | July 13, 2021

DAY 2 | PM | Presentations at the Virtual Toronto Summer Institute On the afternoon of July 13, we featured another marketplace of choices. Heather Simmons from Scotland led a session on The Gentle Art of Noticing, followed by Erwin Wieringa (The Netherlands), who challenged us to think – Culture and Art – Who Cares? […]

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Living with the Questions [PDF]

Notes from a Gathering of People Concerned with Supported Living John O’Brien March 1995 Despite much talk about individualization, most people with developmental disabilities either live with their families or live in a place that belongs to someone else: a state service system, a nursing home operator, a residential service agency, or a family care […]

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Supporting Transformation: Learning Groups

Supporting Transformation: Learning Groups The call for transformation of the way people with disabilities and their families experience publicly funded support is clear. They resonate from the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons With Disabilities to the US Community Rule to the British House of Lords Gloriously ordinary lives report. Learning to work for […]

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George Ducharme

George Ducharme Ducharme Receives Distinguished Alumnae/i Award At Saint Joseph College West Hartford, Conn. – George G. Ducharme, Ph.D., has been selected to receive the Sister Fay O’Brien Award from Saint Joseph College, where he earned a master’s degree in Special Education in 1969. The award is given to outstanding graduates of the School of […]

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Self Directed Support Reframes Partnership [PDF]

Self-Directed Support: Re-Framing Inter-agency Partnership Working John O’Brien & Simon Duffy 2007 While interagency partnership is often explored from the perspective of the health and social care system, we approach this issue from the perspective of the citizen. In particular, we focus on those citizenswho have significant impairments and need significant levels of sup- port […]

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Disability Without POVERTY: The Canadian Disability Benefit Initiative

Another thread in the Long Term Care issue Disability Benefit could actually mean Basic Income: Individualized Funding Coalition for Ontario Individualized Funding Coalition for Ontario:Its about Long Term Care for ALL of us…

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Circles of Friends/Support

Circles of Friends or Circles of Support have been in every society since the dawn of time. We are wired for belonging, connection and being in relationship with one another. ‘Circles’ is about how we take care of each other in families and communities. It is the ‘structure’ of our relationships. In Western societies, as […]

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Robert (Bob) Perske

Robert (Bob) Perske – life long advocate and author/story teller for inclusion and human rights. The enemy’s “scorched earth policy” had just been shut down.  That policy ordered all enemy soldiers to hide in buildings and to shoot every person they could see before being shot to death themselves. On October 16, 1944, Robert Perske […]

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Members of Each Other – eBook


Members of Each Other:  This book is stories about working with people with developmental disabilities. But it is the same message for all of us. This book exposes the dangers of power, of isolation, of helplessness. It also challenges and gives hope for communities to take back control from the ‘professionals’, to themselves. It has tried and true tools to help to build the future. This is a ‘must read’ for any one working in this field. It’s also a great read for anyone who wants to be a fuller human.

O’Brien and O’Brien’s summary of the information contributed by several participants at brainstorming sessions provides an excellent synthesis of the many content areas covered. The ability to be heard is of special significance for participants with disabilities. O’Brien and O’Brien often present the dreams and capacities of these participants in large diagram-like features for all to follow.

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UK Policy Map [PDF]

IN THE MAINSTREAM OF LIFE?People with Learning Disabilities and the National Policy Agenda John O’Brien & David Towell 2005 On the 9th February 2005, a group of people with both local and national leadership roles got together at the King’s Fund to look over the horizon to identify positive opportunities for people with learning disabilities in […]

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DISSENT FROM CONSENSUS A Response to the NQF Person-Centered Planning & Practice [PDF]

DISSENT FROM CONSENSUSA Response to the NQF Person-Centered Planning & Practice 2020 Carol Blessing The National Quality Form (NQF) has been funded by the Federal Administration on Community Living (ACL) and the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) to provide a consensus based definition of person-centered planning, outline a core set of competencies for facilitators, and […]

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Virtual TSI 2021 AGENDA – July 13 – DAY 2

VIRTUAL TORONTO SUMMER INSTITUTE DAY TWO – July 13 – 9:00 AM EDT (early start) Welcome & Session Pitches 9:00 – 9:15 Meditation with Kirk Learning Marketplace Sessions – CHOOSE and Join One 10:30 – 12:00 Jonny Douglas & James Lock Building Networks for Change – UBI LAB (click) Lunch Break – with Music – […]

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Hope Restored with PATH – Glenn Cochrane

Hope Restored with PATH Glenn CochraneGang Prevention CoordinatorWinnipeg, Manitoba I decided I wanted to do something that truly might be in the area of prevention, not wait until kids were in trouble but get to them early. I phoned the principal of a downtown Winnipeg core area school (Dufferin School) where I knew the principal, […]

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John McKnight

John McKnight is the co-founder of ABCD – Asset Based Community Development – an institute, books, world leadership. His remarkable thought leadership has a very special connection to the Toronto Summer Institutes. John is one of the founding faculty members and Hosts of the Summer Institutes – and has been relentlessly consistent in making space […]

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Randy Charboneau – Waywaymegwun

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