Virtual TSI 2021 – Ideas That Matter – Round 2, January 14th, 2021


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Ideas that Matter – Round 2

  Thursday, January 14th, 2021, from 1:00 pm -3:00 pm EST.

This is a mash-up of the creativity and energy of what TSI Alumni will know as “the Speak Easy” (based on ‘speed dating’) the “Learning Marketplace” (based on the Art of Hosting practice of Open Space, conceptualized by Harrison Owen).  Our adaptation will feature three short presentations (5-7 minutes) followed by Breakout discussion groups.  Additionally, each presenter will announce virtual Learning Marketplace follow-up sessions, in which you may choose to enrol…..


*Please verify using a World Clock the time of this session in your local time zone


I acknowledge that this event is being photographed, videotaped and or otherwise recorded by Inclusion Press international. I understand if I don’t want to be recorded or photographed, it is my sole responsibility to avoid any audio/video portion of this event.


Event Details

Date: January 14, 2021

Start time: 01:00 p.m. EDT

End time: 03:00 p.m. EDT

Venue: Online

Email: [email protected]

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