Exercises Creating Blue Space: This Workbook is a companion to CREATING BLUE SPACE – and is not intended to be used unless you have purchased the book.
Creating Blue Space ebook –
Creating Blue Space (print) –…tal-disabilities/
This workbook contains fourteen exercises that guide a learning journey for practitioners and teams interested in transforming programs and services into individualized supports. Each exercise is linked to a chapter in Creating Blue Spaces, Fostering Innovative Support Practices for Persons with Developmental Disabilities. Evolving to an authentic application of individualized support requires a significant shift in mind-set, relationship and practice. This can only occur through a process of social innovation sparked by individuals and teams engaged in deep listening, learning and acting. Those who elect to contribute leadership in evolving supports are invited on a learning journey that follows the U shape depicted in the diagram at the bottom of the page, The book and the workbook exercises facilitate reflective learning for those aspiring to be instruments of change.