Carol Blessing
Learning Partner Guide
The fact that people became heroes and sheroes can be accredited to their ability to identify and empathize with the “other”. These men and women could continue to live quite comfortably with their slow temperament but they chose not to. They made the decision to be conscious of the other – the homeless, the downtrodden and the oppressed. Heroism has nothing to do with skin color or social status. It is a state of mind a willingness to act for what is right and just.
Maya Angelou
The Learning Journey
Over the next 15 weeks you will embark on a “journey” designed to deepen your awareness of the principles and philosophies which form the foundation of person-centered practices in the context of citizenship, contribution and community inclusion. You will meet, through the rich video resource library, many of the pioneers of this work. You will be engaged in online forums and live discussions which are intended to create a safe space for your personal reflection and shared wisdom related to the subject matter of which the course is comprised. Your assignments are designed so that you will apply what you are learning and expand your learning experience.
Learning Partners
While you are the primary learner (paid registrant) in this journey, you are required to invite a minimum of two key learning partners to assist you. Learning Partners are people who will assist you on your learning journey. This guide is designed to support that learning relationship.