A Response to the NQF Person-Centered Planning & Practice

Carol Blessing
The National Quality Form (NQF) has been funded by the Federal Administration on Community Living (ACL) and the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) to provide a consensus based definition of person-centered planning, outline a core set of competencies for facilitators, and identify the ways systems can support person-centered planning which includes a framework for quality measurement within person-centered planning.
NQF has drafted an Interim Report and is seeking public comment. You can download the report and submit comments at http://www.qualityforum.org/Per- son_Centered_Planning_and_Practice.aspx
As the title of this paper suggests, for reasons we describe, we have to stand aside from the consensus proposed in this report.
Our sense is that trends in the health care industry will result in system adoption of definitions and practices like these, if in revised form. We can’t imagine how to stop the train carrying medical-administrative mindsets and measurements even deeper into the lives of people with disabilities (though we are eager to hear other’s ideas about how we might). Our confidence remains where it has been for the past generation, in those people and organizations who find ways to make as much space as possible to co-create the way to more of a good life with people, families and fellow citizens.