Facilitating the Framework for Planning Process
Theory-to-Practice: Using a Framework for Planning to Support Person-Centered Transition

Carol Blessing & Connie Ferrell
A Framework for Planning, like most person-centered processes, is simply a container to hold information that comes from good listening. Asking people what matters to them and listening with what our mentor and friend Beth Mount calls the “eyes and the ears of the heart” is at the core of good person-centered planning. This is only a tool… a vehicle for gathering information.
The Framework process borrows heavily from and stands on the shoulders of the original person- centered thought leaders: Marsha Forrest, Judith Snow, Herb Lovett, Beth Mount, John O’Brien, Jack Pearpoint and others. circle with us. …
Orientation to the Framework for Planning Tool
The Framework template is divided in sections. These sections are a combination of stand alone information (aka data) and an essential part of an integrated whole (aka comprehensive assessment).
The categories provide planners opportunity for reflection, exploration and discovery, and taking action.