A small group of friends and colleagues are committed to assist a remarkable grass roots network of Ugandan citizens to create the future they want – and are making. We invite you to join us. Listen to the wisdom of people who have been on their land for 6000 years – and are recovering from the stresses of colonialism and climate change. They could teach us all a great deal… https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLQ9IqZXpOIK1wnKt7KveiEAIdNTDWuUSt
Wangoola Wangoola Ndawula, formerly known as Paulo Wangoola, has played an historic leadership role in building pan-African networks of African led adult education and development during the 1980s and 90s. Beginning as an adult educator with Makerere University, he was involved in an early post-Obote government in Uganda. He obtained a Master’s Degree in Adult Education from Southampton University in the 1970s. When Idi Amin came into power, he escaped to Nairobi in exile, but began work with the African Association for Literacy and Adult Education of which he became the Secretary-General for a time. During his AALAE years he travelled the continent tirelessly building links of African-led literacy, adult education and social justice networks. It was a time when African NGOs were feeling their strength getting free in ways from the neo-colonial funding patterns of the day from the rich countries. In virtually event conference or event where Wangoola was present, he was chosen as the spokesperson for the African vision; the vision of education, of development, of peace or of hope. In time external funders of AALAE grew concerned about the growing attractiveness of a Pan African vision build from African traditional knowledge and autonomous African aspirations for a place of its own in the world. The funders crushed AALAE, and a strong Pan African adult education association has not resurfaced.
Wangoola retuned to Uganda to establish a remarkable village-based Mother-tongue centered higher education structure called the Mpambo Afrikan Multiversity. Its story of bringing dignity to Mother tongue scholars is remarkable. And it has been financed as a subsistence, agriculturally -based organization for its many years.
About a month ago, Wangoola Wangoola returned after 20 years to Nairobi where he and many others had begun their dreams of African led development. This report which he has written tells some of the story of this remarkable historic period. In this world the struggle for justice over oppression is so very difficult. The price that leaders with vision and charisma pay is often assassination. Wangoola is such a leader. We are blessed that he is still with us and still working for a better world.
Please share his report with others. His story should be better known.
Budd L Hall, PhD (he, his)
Co-Chair UNESCO Chair in Community-Based Research and Social Responsibility in Higher Education
- AALE RE-UNION APRIL 2022 – Nairobi – Wangoola Wangoola NEW
- The Challenges of Indigenous Higher Learning. 2022 Wangoola Wangoola NEW
- CONFLUENCE: Mulembe Mutinzi – Uganda
A grassroots people’s space and centre for reflection and indigenous scholarship for the renewal from within of Afrikan communities and inter-civilizations dialogue. - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HPV3oxBICHE
- UNESCO Co-Chair Confluence Report:
- Confluence 2017 Video
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SHa16IoTvbg
- http://blackdiasporaproject.com/tondism-omulembe-mutinzi-cuusani-new-epoch-great-turning/
- enjoy a quick scan of some of the most urgent work…

MPAMBO Videos over time…
- Mulembe Mutinzi Cuusansi – 2017 – (11 min)
- Wangoola + Budd Hall * Mulembe Mutinzi Cuusansi
- Mulemebe Mutinzi Cuusansi – Chief Gordon Planes – Jinja, Uganda. May .2017 –
- Dr. Paulo Wangoola speaks at the University of Victoria, October 25th, 2013
- Creation Song: A Revelation: Wangoola and Hall
- Historical Origins: Budd Hall – Confluence.2017
Early MPAMBO History…(Uganda)
- Celebrating MPAMBO 1 Jan 2007 Uganda
- Celebrating MPAMBO 2 Jan 2007 Uganda
- Celebrating MPAMBO 3 Jan 2007 Uganda
- Celebrating MPAMBO 4 Jan 2007 Uganda
- PATH in Uganda.Aug.2004
- Mpambo Conference – Dance.Drum.Choral troupes June7.2004.Jinja.Uganda
- Uganda Celebrations – 2022
Video link
Books on Mpambo: Mulembe Mutinzi Cuusansi
Ntaba Luganda Organic Coffee Story eBook$0.00
Who is Nabamba Budhagaali? Luganda eBook$0.00
Who is Nabamba Budhagaali? eBook$0.00
Afrikan Cannot Modernize While using the English Language eBook$0.00
MPAMBO Afrikan Multiversity eBook$0.00
The FIRST Afro-Native American SUMMIT on Mulembe Mutinzi eBook$0.00
MPAMBO: Afrikan Multiversity – eBook$0.00
Ekyoto Ky’abataka – eBook$0.00
Prophets of Spiritual Nations of the World Unite – eBook$0.00
Abalanzi Bomu Nsi Zonna – eBook$0.00