A Framework for Planning Personal Workbook

Carol Blessing & Connie Ferrell
Supporting people who have traditionally been left out of the mainstream of community life to become contributing citizens requires planners to be creative and thoughtful in their approach to providing services and supports that reflect the authentic “voice” of the person with whom the planning is being done. The ultimate goal is to help people discover how they can make meaningful contributions on a daily basis through work and other valuable membership roles.
A Framework for Planning© (2003 Blessing & Ferrell) was developed to provide people with a way to begin thinking about personally meaningful pathways leading to forging community connections and making valuable citizenship contributions. Planners engage in a series of dialogues that are conducted in the style of appreciation and inquiry about the person who is at the center of the planning process. The completed Framework offers planners a distinctly positive profile of the focus person and a clear direction for taking action.
The authors wish to acknowledge Bill, a remarkable gentleman whose gifts and talents serve as the foundation for A Framework for Planning.