Judith Snow
Oct. 2001

Writing to John McKnight Oct. 16, 2002
I am writing this message and sending it everywhere in order to reach as many people as possible who have been labeled disabled. There is an important day happening at the TASH conference in Anaheim on Saturday, November 17. The meeting that day is called Leading With a Quiet Voice. This will be a day for us to think and explore together what it means for us –
as people who are called disabled – to be leaders in our own lives, in our communities and as advocates.
It is very important for as many people who are labeled disabled as possible to come on Saturday, November 17, from 10 AM – 4 PM. It is important because we have many things to share with each other and we have many questions to explore. Of course it is also important for people who have not been labeled disabled to come. But I am sure that lots of people who are labeled normal will come. Unfortunately, such people often go to important meetings without us. This time we must be there too because the purpose of the meeting is for us to find our own questions and answers.
My name is Judith Snow. I am a person who can barely use my body at all. Every day I live and work through the assistance of several personal attendants.