They Would Smile eBook


Jason Hardy and Arthur Lyons co-authored and edited this compendium/bookfor the Connecticut Council on Developmental Disabilities.  The report  breaks down mental barriers between people, especially those without and with disabilities, and promotes inclusive thinking.   Through art, poetry, essays, and fiction, these documents provide multiple windows into inclusive life, so that we may be able to find the road to our own inclusive community, and recognize it as we get closer.


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Jason Hardy and Arthur Lyons co-authored and edited this compendium/book for the Connecticut Council on Developmental Disabilities.  The report  breaks down mental barriers between people, especially those without and with disabilities, and promotes inclusive thinking.   Through art, poetry, essays, and fiction, these documents provide multiple windows into inclusive life, so that we may be able to find the road to our own inclusive community, and recognize it as we get closer.

About 65 pages long, the document is titled “They Would Smile,” derived from responses received to a focus-group question early in the project:  ‘Suppose you were traveling from place to place looking for a welcoming and hospitable community to live in.  What might indicate to you that you had found such a place?’ — “They would smile.”
The compendium was originally gathered in 1997 and edited for digital release in 2021.