
Contains these complete videos in DVD format:
Kids Belong Together (24 min.)   (1988)
With a Little Help From My Friends (60 min.)  1987
In DVD format, a menu allows you to move directly from segment to segment throughout both tapes. Ideal for training and presentations. Easy access to the clip you need.
CIRCLES & MAPS are foundation tools that help anyone move into the future, effectively and creatively. This two-in-one training packet is used to provide support and instruction to people concerned with excellence and integrity in Person-Centered Planning processes.
Kids Belong Together: It’s About Time
Produced by People First Association of Lethbridge, Alberta

24 minute celebration of friendship and joy. Illustration of the MAPS process in action. The music alone is worth the price of this classic and vibrant video featuring Father Pat Mackan working in schools in Alberta, Canada. It focuses on building Circles of Friends and MAPS. The song “Kids Belong Together” has become an anthem of inclusion. The video is a celebration of friendship and shows the possibilities for change. Great and inspiring images of children and teachers working together in schools. The books, Action for Inclusion and Inclusion Papers go well with this tape.Audience
Educators, Families and anyone interested in Circles of Friends and MAPS. Elementary and middle school focus.


With a Little Help From My Friends
Produced by Marsha Forest and George Flynn
Award winning!! This one hour video describes the basics of creating schools where all kids belong and learn together. In three parts, listen to Grade 7 and 8 students describe the impact of inclusion on their school and their lives. Observe teachers doing the same. Then see hands on strategies at work including MAPS and Circles of Friends. This classic video keeps selling as if it were brand new. The freshness of the video is in the voices of students who talk from their hearts about inclusion and building circles of friends. The video is in three parts.
Part I shows the actual exercise of building a Circle of Friends.
Part II shows a small group of students and teachers discussing the in and outs of inclusion and circle building.
Part III – “May’s MAP”, is an excellent example of a MAP done with 12 year old students.
The video focuses on the voices of the students and the teachers who tell us over and over again that inclusion must be done, and that its really not that hard to do if you have “A little help from your friends.” The book Action for Inclusion is a perfect compliment to the video. If you don’t already have it, get it now. It is still one of the most inspiring pieces of video available.
Educators, Families, and anyone interested in Circle of Friends and MAPS. Elementary and Middle School focus.
Produced by Inclusion Press with Parashoot Productions


Add-ons total:




Contains these complete videos:

Kids Belong Together (24 min.)

With a Little Help From My Friends

(60 min.)

Produced by Inclusion Press with Parashoot Productions

ISBN: 978-1-895418-80-4 

In DVD format, a menu allows you to move directly from segment to segment throughout both tapes. Ideal for training and presentations. Easy access to the clip you need.

CIRCLES & MAPS are foundation tools that help anyone move into the future, effectively and creatively. This two-in-one training packet is used to provide support and instruction to people concerned with excellence and integrity in Person-Centered Planning processes


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