Heather Simmons is a life long advocate for people with disabilities – people on the margins.
She is a brilliant author, presenter and thinker. With a lovely Scottish brogue,
she is relentless in challenging us to dig deep, think harder.. be better. Hear her and pause – what can I do now to do better – to be better. Her roots in this work are life long, and incorporate a depth of experience internationally – starting in UK, then Australia, and now back home in Scotland.
You can follow Heather’s blog “Just Thinking” at: https://hsimmons708.blogspot

The BIG PLAN ebook
The Big Plan is a wonderful introduction to the process of group planning. A collaboration between Steve Coulson and Heather Simmons – a great contribution to this field.

This delightful small book was created at the Down Under Institute in Australia in 2012. It features Heather’s Values of Inclusion plus additional articles by John O’Brien, Connie Lyle O’Brien, Judith Snow, Marsha Forest & Jack Pearpoint

Heather Simmons: Bread & Roses Video
At the Virtual Toronto Summer Institute on Sept. 17. 2020, Heather maintained another TSI tradition and added a song for our appreciation. David Hasbury dipped into his deep collection of stunning TSI images and created a slide show matching Heather’s dulcet tomes. Here is the video of Heather Simmons: Bread and Roses (2 min) If your passion is song, you might want to spend more time with Heather Simmons – one of our Change Makers. You will find the Values of Inclusion video there.
Writing/Reflections during a Pandemic by Heather Simmons
- Big Man – Wee Dug
- Big Man – Wee Dug – audio
- Cometh the Hour
- Just Thinking – a Blog by Heather Simmons