Where do we stand? High Resolution eBook



Beth Mount practices the art of social change, capturing challenges to inclusion and resources to discover creative responses in brilliant colors and intricate designs. John O’Brien reflects on the images and ideas that compose the quilt. Another brilliant and beautiful challenge as we face difficult times.

Where do we Stand
Facing difficulty and defeat
Discovering our Work
Strengthening and diversifying our relationships
Claiming our place to stand
Opening our eyes to devaluation
Cultivating inner sources of strength
Finding our path
Investing our trust
We Stand Where We Stand

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Beth Mount practices the art of social change, capturing challenges to inclusion and resources to discover creative responses in brilliant colors and intricate designs. John O’Brien reflects on the images and ideas that compose the quilt. Another brilliant and beautiful challenge as we face difficult times.

Where do we Stand
Facing difficulty and defeat
Discovering our Work
Strengthening and diversifying our relationships
Claiming our place to stand
Opening our eyes to devaluation
Cultivating inner sources of strength
Finding our path
Investing our trust
We Stand Where We Stand

Link to Read On Screen version