When Spider Webs Unite: Shafik in Action – digital collection


This 37 minute video will keep the work and spirit of Shafik Asante alive for years to come.

This DVD is also available as part of the
>Spider Webs Unite Bundle


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This 37 minute video will keep the work and spirit of Shafik Asante alive for years to come. We see Shafik in action – talking, laughing, challenging, motivating, inspiring. This video is a treasure for those of us who were fortunate enough to know Shafik personally and as well for those who never met him in person. Our friend Dr. Budd Hall who is the chairperson of the Adult Education Department, at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education saw the tape. As it ended he said, “Shafik is adult education’s best kept secret. I must get this tape immediately for all my courses.” Another friend saw a preview and said, “When can I get this? I have to show it at my next staff meeting. This man is inspiring and we need inspiration and motivation to keep up the struggle these days.” We were surprised because she had never met Shafik – and she still wanted it – immediately.This video features Shafik at his finest – speaking at the Toronto Summer Institute (1996). It is inspirational and thoughtful viewing for families, friends and colleagues. There is 33 minutes of Shafik speaking about inclusion, liberation, leadership – about youth and the future. He doesn’t mince words. This is hard hitting. Shafik challenges us to make inclusive community happen or else betray it and each other.

The final 4 minutes is a slide show tribute to our friend Shafik Asante. The South African anthem “Mother Africa” from the film Cry Freedom plays in the background as photos of Shafik fill the screen along with some of his favorite sayings, “What part of all don’t you understand?” If you build it they will come, If you bake it they will stay.” and of course his favorite quotation, “When spider webs unite, they can tie up the lion.”

Everyone who knew Shafik will want to see and remember their friend in action. And luckily, anyone who didn’t have the privilege to hear and meet Shafik personally, can now have a chance to see, hear and experience a great organizer and an inspiring human being on this remarkable new video.

Produced by Inclusion Press & Parashoot Productions

This DVD is also available as part of the
>Spider Webs Unite Bundle


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