Marsha Forest Centre Board

The Marsha Forest Centre is a registered Canadian Charitable corporation with an international board.

photo of Cathy Hollands

Cathy Hollands is the Chair of the MFC Board of Directors. She is the Administrative Director of Inclusion Press, and has been part of the Marsha Forest Centre since 1995

Gary Bunch

XXX Gary Bunch, Board Chair emeritus – was the original Board Chair when the Centre was founded in 1989. He was a colleague of Marsha, a friend, colleague and internationally acknowledged author and teacher on inclusion.
Gary passed in Decemberk 2024 – after decades of support and friendship.

Rose Galati – mother of Maria and Felecia – who have been terrific teachers to so many for all their lives. Friend. Colleague. Teacher Parent since the beginning.

photo of Lynda Kahn

Lynda Kahn – Lynda is the Director Development at Inclusion Press, working with individuals, families, organizations and governments interested in positive change. Together with her partner and husband, Jack Pearpoint, Lynda is the hospital manager for the Toronto Summer Institute and innumerable training events internationally.

Photo of Kevin Finnegan

Kevin Finnegan – a brilliant Irish flutist, a remarkable teacher, and life long advocate for inclusion. Kevin has collaborated with Gary Bunch his whole career, and the MFC almost as long.

Louise Bailey– is a family counsellor for over 35 years. Her link to inclusion is her wonderfully talented daughter who guided us all to understand inclusion more deeply. Friend, colleague, partner since the beginning.

Rebekah Lobosco– Development Manager at Opera Atelier, social media consultant with Inclusion Press, and Toronto Summer Institute team for many years

Micah Fialka Feldman Micah’s journey from segregation to inclusion has made him a ‘star’ of several movies, court cases and breakthrough liberation struggles. Currently he is a teaching assistant at Syracuse University.

Peter Gilli – Peter Gilli is a saxophonist, clarinetist, teacher, and composer. He is the Inclusion Press social media consultant and a computer wizard

Sir Erwin Wieringa – Erwin has been the catalyst for inclusion in the Netherlands – and throughout Europe since 1991 A talented colleague & friend, author and playwright

Jack Pearpoint – Executive Director the Marsha Forest Centre, president of Inclusion Press.