- With a Little Help from My Friends – Parts 1 – Judith Snow, Marsha Forest, George Flynn – Circle of Friends – in Kitchener, Ontario – An Inclusion Classic – 1988 – featuring Marsha Forest at work. This award winning 1 hour video describes the basics of creating schools where all kids belong and learn together. In three parts, listen to Grade 7 & 8 students describe the impact of inclusion on their school and their lives. Observe teachers doing the same. Then see hands on strategies at work including MAPS and Circles of Friends. This classic video is ‘dated’ and simultaneously remains brand new. The freshness in the voices of students who talk from their hearts about inclusion and building circles of friends is classic
- With a Little Help from My Friends – Parts II and III: Exploring inclusion in High School; MAPS with Fr. Patrick Mackan & MAY’s MAP with Marsha Forest in Kitchener, Ontario – 1988
- Marsha Forest: Segregation is Apartheid – CBC – A selection of powerful clips – Marsha Forest, Judith Snow, Rose Galati (and the Rubber Gloves clip),Shafik Asante, Bryce Thomas & Joel Hollands (4.5 minutes)
- St. Michael’s School Integration – 1983 – Toronto – a Photo essay booklet of Integration at St. Michael’s school in downtown Toronto in 1983 – a Marsha Forest Project.
- Each Belongs – A Celebration of 30 Years of Inclusion – the Hamilton Wentworth Roman Catholic School Board – 1999 – delivering inclusion for all children since the late 1960’s. HWRCSBB was (to the best of our knowledge) the first BOARD in the world (17 minutes)
- Just Like the Others – TV Ontario – Inclusion at its best – 1988 – Hamilton Wentworth RC Separate Sch Board – TVO made this half hour video because people could not believe it was possible – they had to see it. A great video thanks to Phil Dejardins and Babs Church of TVO
- Kimmy’s MAP – with Marsha Forest – the Waterloo Region Separate School Board implemented Inclusion early as in this MAP demonstration (circa 1985) facilitated by Marsha Forest with graphics by David Hasbury
- Jenny’s Story – Integration Action Group – This early video was a creation of the Integration Action Group – by name alone suggests the intensity of the struggle towards inclusion.
- Onatrio’s Bill 82 – Betty Stevenson – moving towards integrated education.. a struggle – In 1980 in Ontario, the government introduced new legislation – to begin ‘integrating’ some students with ‘disabilities’ into regular classrooms. There were heated debates and the struggles continue to this day – regarding the meaning of full inclusion – and the policies and practices to welcome all students into regular classrooms. This is still not full implemented in Ontario. It was a beginning in terms of legislation – even though it was hotly contested.
- Becky Belongs: This compilation of CBC and other coverage of the battle to welcome Becky Till into a regular classroom. It is powerful – a must watch – and a glimpse into the bitter struggle that was waged between SOME educators, SOME schools, SOME positions – and thousands of families.. to simply belong.
- The PATH TRAINING video – Joe’s PATH – the ‘original’ PATH training video – working with Joe and his family to plan his future.. Jack & Marsha facilitating in 1993. (30 minutes)
- Joe’s PATH – in French – The original PATH Video with Jack Pearpoint & Marsha Forest – with a voice over in French.
- PATH in ACTION – Working with Groups (video) The second PATH training video – shot in Yelowknife, North West Territories – featuring students and faculty in a high school planning their future. (1998) – one hour
- MAPS with Micah Fialka – a movie Trailer a fun minute introduction to MAPS featuring Micah Fialka… Read the full story in our book: WHAT MATTERS
- SCIL Video: (Student Centred Individualized Learning) – SCIL: Student Centred Individualized Learning. This approach to literacy and learning was developed by Marsha Forest at Frontier College. It’s foundation was a focus on the skills and capacities in each learner, and supporting each learner with strategies and tutors that maximized their own learning. (circa 1985) 11 minutes
- Literacy: Marsha Forest & Tracy LeQuyere – Tracy ‘graduated’ from prison and could not read and write. Marsha Forest became his tutor – and they remained friends and colleagues for the rest of her life. Tracy (Now Justin Page) got the literacy ‘bug’ and is still organizing literacy tutoring and has authored the U-CAN dictionaries. This short video is simply Tracy and Marsha on the fly with a group – spreading the word.
- Marsha Forest & Jack Pearpoint – clips from workshops in Santa Monica, CA – Nov. 1992 (very long)
- Marsha Forest – Forever Young – The Celebration Conclusion – Robert Morgan Marsha passed after 12 years of cancers (June 2. 2000). A celebration of her full life was held at Hart House (Univ of Toronto) featured a wide array of friends reflecting on their lives together. The conclusion was ‘Forever Young” being sung by our good friend Robert Morgan…
- Marsha Forest: A Celebration of Life – Oct. 7, 2000 – 30 minute edit Marsha Forest was a remarkable force – and on Oct. 7, 2000,, Hart House in Toronto was jammed to honour her life and contributions. A litanany of speakers – wide ranging in diversity offered memories and perspectives. It was three hours in total. No one left –
- Marsha Forest: A Celebration of Life – Oct. 7, 2000 Marsha Forest was a remarkable force – and on Oct. 7, 2000,, Hart House in Toronto was jammed to honour her life and contributions. A litanany of speakers – wide ranging in diversity offered memories and perspectives. It was three hours in total. No one left – T’his is part 1 (2 hours)
- Marsha Forest: A Celebration of Life – Oct. 7, 2000 Marsha Forest was a remarkable force – and on Oct. 7, 2000,, Hart House in Toronto was jammed to honour her life and contributions. A litanany of speakers – wide ranging in diversity offered memories and perspectives. It was three hours in total. No one left – T’his is part 2