The core Inclusion Press team is small and mighty – but depends extensively on the talents and good will of friends and colleagues around the world to keep the work of inclusion relentlessly moving forward.
Jack Pearpoint

[email protected]
Jack Pearpoint is the Co-Director of Inclusion Press. He is an independent Canadian Publisher and catalyst for Inclusion, Diversity, Teamwork and CHANGE!
Jointly with his wife and partner, Lynda Kahn, Jack conducts workshops and consults with organizations and collaborates with people with disabilities and their families, to engage in positive change that honours the gifts and contributions of all. Earlier, Jack, his late wife Marsha Forest and John O’Brien, collaborated to create several person-centered approaches such as PATH, MAPS and Circles of Friends. The collaboration continues with John and Lynda.
Jack’s fifty years of organization experience include seven years in Africa implementing post-war reconstruction; sixteen years as President of Canada’s oldest literacy organization, Frontier College; and nearly three decades as a full-time publisher and presenter.
Jack is the founding director of the Marsha Forest Centre: Inclusion, Family and Community and remains its Executive Director. Jack and Lynda Kahn work internationally and have expanded their network beyond Canada and the United States to include people in Australia, England, India, China, Korea, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Scotland, and Uganda.
Lynda Kahn

Lynda Kahn is a co-director with Inclusion Press International,
Toronto. Lynda, together with her partner and husband, Jack
Pearpoint, works with individuals, families, organizations and
governments interested in positive change through facilitating
conversations, planning sessions and offering training workshops.
She is a member of the board of the Marsha Forest Center on
Inclusion, Family and Community.
She served as the state of Rhode Island’s Executive Director of the Division of Developmental Disabilities from 1996 to 2005, working in the public sector for 24 years. Her work included assisting in the closure of the state’s institution, The Ladd Center in 1993, collaborating on an individualized funding and budgeting approach for persons served by Rhode Island’s Division of Developmental Disabilities, and serving as President of the National Association of State Directors of Developmental Disabilities Services (NASDDDS 2001-03), and on the Association’s Board for 8 years.
Her 40+ years experience has taken her from institution to community settings, involving values-based person-centered planning as a means to facilitate individual and organizational change. She is passionate about leadership, change and personal engagement to realize a more just world where everyone’s voice and gifts are welcome.
Lynda was a co-founder of Rhode Island’s Service Quality Network, and later was instrumental in creating the Rhode Island Facilitator’s Forum. Since 2013, Lynda has been a steward for the Ontario Independent Facilitation Network. In 2014-2018 Lynda served on the Ontario Developmental Services Housing Task Force, and as its Vice Chair.
Lynda also currently serves on the Broad of Directors for Neighbours, Inc., an innovative organization based in New Jersey which assists people in living full lives, directing their own supports.
Morgana Ruttimann-Hoskins:

Morgana Ruttimann Hoskins, Toronto
Order and Shipping Fulfillment, Inclusion
[email protected]
Morgana joins our team as she is finishing her degree in Sign Language interpretation. She has been part of the ‘extended family’ for all her years and looks to continue her passion for community work with Inclusion Press.
Meghan Marshall:

Meghan Marshall, Toronto:
Digital Marketing, Inclusion Press
[email protected]
Meghan has a life long history in theatre and film. She will be guiding our social media presence even when she dashes off for yet another film shoot. Meghan is also our niece.

Chris Curley, New Orleans:
Website and WordPress Tech support
[email protected]
Chris has been in the Inclusion Press wings since he became our son-in-law when he married Laura – and is now the father of Hazel – our granddaughter.
However, he has also be masterful in assisting us to rebuild our web site – and develop our social media presence.
Cathy Hollands

Cathy is the current chair of the Board of the Marsha Forest Centre, having joined the board in the early 90’s.
Cathy Hollands is the past Managing Director of Inclusion Press (28 years) from 1993 – September 2021. For decades, she contributed significantly to the voice and engine of the Press. She is coach/mentor to Morgana Hoskins-Ruttimann (orders and fulfilment) and Meghan Marshall (digital marketing and events) who are undertaking some of the aspects of her work and are the next generation of Inclusion Press’ work.
Cathy is also a remarkable mother of five – and a grandmother for four – and counting. Cathy’s household is an international emporium – of foods, languages and cultures as her family is now enriched from Thailand to Madagascar – without ignoring deep Maltese roots.