The Complex Story of Shared Lives: Ideas that Matter – Tyrone Tower’s Story
On May 17, 2023, Inclusion Press broadcast the first of the new series of Ideas that Matter events. It utilized one of the stories from the Nov 3-4 event hosted by the New York Alliance for Inclusion & Community. The request was to go ‘deeper’.
We chose Tyrone’s story as told by Patti Scott, the Executive Director of Neighbours. The format was simple: viewing participants watched a 30-minute edit of the original presentation, and then we hosted two breakout discussion groups. The video of the session (below) (just over one hour) includes the original video and group discussion (but not the breakout discussions). We hope you enjoy it.
The next Ideas that Matter session will be on June 21, 2023 (1:00-3:00) ET. Telling the Visual Story in a Digital World with Gabby Melnick
New York Alliance for Inclusion and Innovation https://nyalliance.org/
Neighbours’ International videos https://www.youtube.com/c/NeighboursInternational
Ideas that Matter: June 21, 2023 1:00-3:00pm Eastern Telling the Visual Story in a Digital World with Gabby Melnick
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